9 - A Date?

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Pat's POV

Paul and I look over to the side to see both Tom and Tord standing there

"Your father was being a baby" I chuckled

"Hey!" Paul said clearly offended

"What were you guys talking about anyways?" Tord asked walking over to us Tom following behind him

"Oh just how when you were younger you'd always manage to take Paul's gun" I said

"But why me!" Paul said

"Because I wanted to" Tord said

Paul just groaned

Tord's POV

Paul groaned and I heard Tom chuckle

"It's so fun to insult your parents" I snikered

"Hey!" Paul complained

Tom and I just started laughing, Pat was just.. I don't really know, he was most likely contemplating on life right now- Seems like something he would do to be honest

"To be honest here, Tord you were a strange kid when you were younger" Tom said

I fake gasped "How dare you!" I said holding back more laughter

Tom smirked "Oh let me tell you somethin'- I probably know you more then your own parents -but you are still the same" Tom said "If you ever so slightly think you're not like that anymore. I'll personally slap you" Tom said

This time it was Pat and Paul who bursted out laughing, I just huffed

-Time skip brought to you by my tired ass who doesn't want to sleep and it's slowly killing me-

Tom and I had left my house, Tom telling me he wanted to take me somewhere

"So, where we heading?" I ask as we got in my car

"Ah that's a surprise" Tom said getting in the drivers side

"Really?" I giggled

The reason as why Tom is driving is because he's bringing somewhere. But he says it's a 'surprise' so I let him drive my car. Hopefully he doesn't crash it-

"Oh shush" Tom said starting up the car

I giggled once again smiling at my new boyfriend

-Time skip brought to you by my tired ass who's most likely sitting in a dark corner wondering what the meaning of life is-

Felling the car come to a halt I spoke up "We there?" I ask

"Yes, but not really" Tom said turning off the car, I heard a light click from his seatbelt meaning he detached it, before hearing the door open

"What do you mean by that?" I ask

"I mean it as-" Tom stopped himself by shutting the door, hearing the door open to my left "-I can't drive there so I have to guide you" Tom stated "So, do you trust me?" Tom asked

I thought about it for a second "Yes, yes I do" I answered truthfully

I could fell Tom smile "Great! Now let's start by getting you out of the car" Tom said

I held my hand out "A little help?" I asked

Tom chuckled gently grabbing my hand "Of course" Tom said helping me out of the car

"Y'know, you could've just asked me to close my eyes instead of putting a blindfold on me" I said as Tom closed the door behind me

"Ah I didn't want you peeking" Tom said grasping my hand once again. My face heating up at the simple action "Don't worry it isn't to far, so that means, not much walking" Tom reasured

I giggled "Alright, I believe you" I said

Tom started leading me to- I have no clue where -tho we went at a careful pace. Me not wanting to trip of course. From time to time Tom would lightly squeeze my hand. That comforted me. After a while of walking we came to a halt

"We made it?" I finally asked

Tom was quiet for a second (He nodded but then realized that Tord can't see-) "Yes, yes" Tom said he let go of my hand

I was a bit scared when he did. I didn't know where we were and I don't know where exactly he is. I flinched when I felt hands going behind my head

"Woah, calm down, it's just me" Tom reasured

I relaxed at the sound of his voice "Sorry" I muttered

Tom chuckled, he removed the blindfold "You can open your eyes now" Tom said

Fluttering my eyes open I gasp at the sight. In front of us stood a Weeping Cherry Blossom Tree (Photo at top)

"This is... Just beautiful" I said amazed

Tom smiled "Haha I'm glad you like it. I found this tree a while back. And I've realized we don't see many of these around here- like none -so I took care of it" Tom said "She has gotten bigger from the first time" Tom said

I chuckled "It's beautiful" I said smiling

"The Cherry Blossoms look amazing during the summer. Especially this one" Tom said before grasping my hand again "It's special" Tom said looking at me, I smiled back "Let's go sit under it!" He said before dragging me over

I laughed going along with him. We both sat underneath the tree with our backs against the tree. I was laying my head on his shoulder

"It's really beautiful Thomas, I love it" I said

Tom chuckled "And I love you" Tom smiled

"I love you too" I said smiling

We sat there together just enjoying eachother. (Imma just let your minds run wild) I eventually cuddled closer to Tom. I loved this, it was something I've wanted for so long and now I've finally gotten it. It's funny as how I could've gotten whatever I would want but not this

This was the only thing I could never have gotten. Love isn't  something you can force. Or it isn't called love. Love is a special thing. A special feeling. One that you would appreciate. Love can do many things to you, but it can make you so happy

The End


Hey, sorry for the long wait. I wrote this a while back but never got to post it. I'm currently writing another story, and this one is very long but also very good. I'm very proud of how it's going so far.

Anyway, sorry for ending it so short. I don't have many ideas for this book since I've been more motivated to work on the one I'm currently making. I'm hopping I'll be able to finish it and post the first chapter on my birthday. It's really long so far, so I don't know

Again, sorry if it disappoints you that I'm ending the book so short. I've just got no ideas. My brain is slow- And my memory is absolute shit- But I'm working hard to try and finish my book! I'm hopping you all will like it. It's another TordTom book, this one will be a WTFuture related one. Hopefully you guys'll like it as much as I do :3

Anyway it's 3 in the morning and I should probably get some sleep- which I most likely won't -but I really hope you all loved this book. Or at least enjoyed it. I find it's bad, but if you like it then I'm happy you do :D

Well, that's all I have to say, at the moment. So I wish you all a good day/evening/night whatever time it is :}

See you in another book!

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