Chapter Nineteen: Taking Sides

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"May I introduce my sisters. Obara and Nymeria Sand," Tyene said smiling to Amara, it had come as a surprise to her when Obara had summoned her that morning; she had been ever more surprised to see that Nymeria had returned. 

The three had quickly talked about everything that had happened, from Tyene's time in Amara's household to what Nymeria had discovered while she had been in Fairmarsh. 

A decision had finally been made on what they would do, Obara was certain of their decision but Tyene had caution ed them to be careful. 

Their decision was going to affect things and there was a chance that their father would be displeased with them; he had no real bearing on whatever decision had to be made for them. 

"It is a pleasure to finally meet you both," Amara greeted with a smile, she stood from her chair and approached the three older stepdaughters wishing that she had been warned of their arrival. 

She had been about to break her morning fast and was certainly not dressed for such important visitors; she couldn't help but feel nervous about meeting them. 

Elia couldn't help but smile seeing that Obara and Nymeria had arrived, the fact that they had come to greet Amara disappointed her but she understood. 

A part of her hoped that once they were done here, they would visit her mother; she was sure that Ellaria would be most pleased with their arrival and help removing Amara. 

"The pleasure is yours, Your Grace," Obara said firmly, her face betrayed nothing as she stared at Amara; her stepmother was a beautiful woman and Obara was surprised that her father had not seduced her yet.

It was very unlike him not to have a beauty woman when he had the chance instead, he had remained loyal to Ellaria which spoke volumes to her and her sisters.

"Please. We are family after all, call me Amara," Amara insisted, she didn't want to tell them to refer to her as something that might make them uncomfortable; she knew that they had mothers of their own and the like. 

Then there was the fact that she had no idea how close they were to Ellaria, she knew they'd known the whore for longer but since she was close with Tyene then she hoped things would be better with them. 

"We bring you a gift, Lady Stepmother," Nymeria said smiling, she stared at Amara knowing that their gift would be something that she would possibly never forget. 

It was an unusual choice and Nymeria had been rather amused when Obara had shown her what she had selected; it was something that was most typical from the Sandsnakes. 

Obara stepped forward and produced the item, her face blank as she held the gift in her arm; her eyes glanced at the two guards wondering if they'd even move. 

It was Herit that made the first move, her eyes catching on the glitter of the light catching on something in Obara's hand making her surge forward to protect Amara. 

However, she hadn't reacted in time as Obara twisted the item in her arm, her actions so fast that neither of the guards had time to react. 

Elia's eyes focused on the movement as she watched her oldest sister, a smile on her face as she realised what was about to happen; her mother would no longer have a contender for her father's attention. 

The blade came to a stop and the room seemed frozen as Obara watched Amara's face for a moment; the fear in her eyes was real and Obara had to admit that she was impressed. 

"The blade I made myself. While Nymeria helped me design the handle," Obara stated handing Amara the dagger that she had been holding, amusement filled her eyes as she continued to watch her.

Herit seemed to edge closer almost waiting to see what Obara would do next, her fear for her mistress making her anxious; she glanced at Ka and Lagos wondering why they had not reacted faster. 

It took Amara a moment to regain her speech, for a moment there she had assumed that Obara was about to kill her; she realised now that it had been a test by Oberyn's oldest daughter. 

Looking down at the dagger that she was holding, Amara had to admit that it was well made; she had never held such an item before and she wasn't sure what to do with it. 

"Nymeria and I will be joining your guards. Those who have been selected are clearly not skilled enough to protect the wife of a Prince," Obara stated turning to look at Ka and Lagos, their lax in action could have resulted in Amara being murdered just now. 

It would not do for them to continue to protect her especially with the traveling that she had been doing; it seemed only right if they were to support Amara that they offer her protection. 

Tyene was secure in her position, she could defend Amara if needed and she seemed well suited to her position as a lady-in-waiting to their stepmother. 

"Thank you," Amara said looking up from the dagger, she didn't know what else to say to them; she was still a little concerned after the display, she was sure if Obara wanted her dead then she would be right now. 

She could see the concerned look that Ka had offered her but knew that she could not acknowledge his concern when her stepdaughters were here. 

Elia pursed her lips, this was not meant to happen her sisters were meant to side with her mother; yet here they were paying court to Amara. 

They had betrayed Ellaria and in doing so had weakened her mother's position, people would notice if her sisters were suddenly siding with Amara instead of Ellaria as they should do. 

"Sarella sends her best wishes, she is traveling here as we speak to join us," Obara stated knowing that with their final sister coming home, things were going to be set in motion.

Sarella had written that she wished to see with her own eyes just what sort of woman their father had married; she was most surprised to hear what her sisters had discovered in their time spying on Amara. 

"I look forward to meeting her," Amara replied, she wasn't sure what to make of all of this; she had never expected to have all of Oberyn's daughters come to see her. 

From what she had heard, Sarella didn't come to Dorne often; she preferred her life away from the court and was very much into traveling when she could. 

Obara nodded at that, her hand coming to rest on her weapon and she knew that they had made the right decision; her sisters and her would be better off with Amara than they would ever have been with Oberyn. 

As much as she had grown to care for her father's long-term paramour, it could not be ignored that she had no focus for her own children. 

Amara's intervention for her younger sisters making sure that they received a worthy education for children of a Prince had not been ignored; her kindness was what their family needed. 

From what Obara had seen, her father's attention had already been turned and she was here to ensure that nothing got in his way; her eyes moved to the guard that might cause issues. 

Ka was nothing more than a distraction, one that Obara and her sisters would allow but should he get in the way then she would happily remove him. 

Any child that Amara had would have to be by Oberyn, Obara would not allow a mere guard to taint her stepmother; she would give her father many healthy children. 

Things were going to change for the better, the Sandsnakes were backing their stepmother and nothing would change that.

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