Chapter Twenty-Six: I Am Your Wife

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Taking a deep breath, Amara stared at the doors that were set out before her and tried to calm her nerves knowing that what she did now was for the best; her hands trembled and she cursed herself for waiting as long as she had. 

After he had defeated Ka, Amara should have come to him instead of waiting to see if he would be at the feast for her Name Day; she cursed herself knowing that it was time to face her fears. 

Only Herit had accompanied her when she had left the banquet and Amara had insisted that the rest of her ladies enjoy the festivities while she had left to seek out her husband who had taken to his chambers. 

Amara tried to calm her nerves knowing she would need her wits about her if she were to speak with Oberyn; she could not afford for this conversation to be like the rest where she walked on eggshells. 

Taking a step forward, Amara pushed open the doors to Oberyn's chambers and stepped inside; slowly closing the door behind her knowing without a doubt that Herit would wait for her outside. 

The chambers were rather like her own with a far simpler taste, her eyes catching on the large collection of books that a nearby bookshelf held; there were no titles that she recognised and several in a language that she did not recognise. 

Moving further into the chambers, Amara paused catching sight of her husband slumped in a chair facing out into the balcony; her hesitance to approach him seeking the wine bottle on the table made her doubt why she had come here. 

"Husband," Amara greeted softly, her eyes not leaving his form almost as if she were expected him to strike out like a cornered viper; she doubted she would be a match for him should this turn physical. 

It only made her relieved that she cared the dagger that had been gifted to her by his daughters; it was hidden out of sight and none would expect her to be carrying it. 

"Have you come to further torment me wife?" Oberyn asked not turning to look at her, he sipped from his goblet and stared out into the gardens rather enjoying the peace that he had here. 

He had not expected her to come to him this evening, he had been rather convinced she would focus on her wounded lover who he had bested in battle that day.

Not saying a word, Amara made her way across the room and poured herself a goblet of the wine that he had; she moved to top up his drink only for him to refuse, his eyes stubbornly focused on the world outside. 

"I have wounded your pride," Amara mused taking a seat, she had no doubts that he had not expected her actions and a part of her thrilled at the idea that her attention to Ka had wounded him in some way. 

Her intentions had always been to make him jealous to show him how it had felt while he ignored her for Ellaria; now she hoped that he would see that she would not just roll over and spread her legs for him like his whore. 

"As I have wounded yours," Oberyn noted quietly, he had expected his actions to have stung her but there was no way to change the past. 

Whatever he had done could not be fixed nor would he grove at her feet, he would make her see that he was a man that could make her happy; he would ensure that she was safe as his wife even if he had to deal with those he had once cared for. 

"You humiliated me, what did you expect? I could have turned a blind eye to your actions if you had not so publicly declared your favouritism for her," Amara reminded him, a frown on her face and she glared at him not wishing to rehash the past that had brought them here. 

A part of her would never understand what Oberyn had seen in Ellaria, the woman might have been the mother to four of his children but he did not seem the type to tolerate fools. 

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