Mate ?

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" So ... your my mate " he managed to say as i go to the pictures on the walls . I'm the kind of girl that is interested in pictures and brood at the side at times like these . I'm nervous as hell that if i say a word it would bother him . I'm new to all this . 

"Yeah .." was the only word that i could say . I scan the pictures on the wall that was slightly rude for me not to introduce myself to him .

" Sorry .. Im Eleanor Fae Ahriana Whyllah . I'm the transferee from , uhh , blue moon pack "  I stutter without giving him a glace . I heard footsteps from behind and heard the chair move  and being sat on . I just focused my chatoyant eyes on the pictures . 

"Well im Gale Fray , the alpha of silver chain pack.. one of the strongest pack in The world " He bragged . Way to ruin the moment ! I was determined not to say anything but just as it wasnt expected , I spoke .

"Well im the famous Fae , the wekest of all ... YAY" I said sarcastically . I know im being rude , but i do brag about something i am seriously known for 

"Sit down " He commanded . That was it , the sparks werent there anymore , the determination of loving him wasnt in my guts anymore .. Yet i know sooner or later , all of those will will ventually come back .

I did what he said and sat down across his table . I crossed my legs and rested my fore arms on the stools aside the chair .

" So , you were sent here because your the weakest ?" I groan in frustration and glared at the same time . 

" Yeah , i guess " I said truthfully . 

"Well , Uhh , since your my mate , feel at home .. Your room is at the other building , Ryker will show you whe-"

"Woah, woah .. I would rather sleep on the dirt outside rather thatn seeing 'Ryker' s face " i deffended . His eyes squinted in confusion , i dont blame him . He didnt know .

" What with rykers face that yyou do not want to see him ?" He asked innocently . 

" We.. Sort of .. Faught each oth-"

"Alpha , i should warn you .." The door barged open as those words were heard . And i know that voice . I didnt even turn aroud to see who it was . Though gales eyes trailed behind me 

"Ryker ? what happend to your wrists ?" Gale says in confusion .

"The transferre did this !.." He trailed off without him knowing that i was in the room . Gales eyes went to my direction in shock . Ryker must've notice that gale was looking at me because seconds later I felt someone shift , leading ryker beside the alphas chair. I look down , acting all innocent. 

" She did this " I heard once again from rykers mouth as i scowl his sayings . i rolled my eyes . Hes making me look like a villan infront of my mate .. Okay that is akward to say . 

"Fae .. " Gale trailed off . I groaned and straightened my head facing both of them . My glance met Rykers  and i smirk in annoyance . 

" Yeah , i kinda did that . But for a good reason though . I dont just violently hurt someone .." I defended . Ofcourse i'd never do such things if its for new reasons . I did'nt even know i could do such things like those

"How did you even .." he said as he examined Rykers hand further . Ryker hisses when gale touched the edge of it . it had a maroon color on the middle and the color fades away while it goes to the edges . 

" She is a monster , Alpha ! She should be kicked off the institute !" Ryker suggested as Gale held on the mark on his wrists making Ryker Yell in pain .

"Dont you dare talk about your luna like that " Gale whispered-yelled in Rykers ear . And as soon as 'luna' was heard , rykers eyes widen and his glance met mine again . 

"L-Luna ? You mean , Sh-She is Y-Your mate , alpha ? But i taught you never wanted to meet your mate .. Remember what happend with Phe-"He tried to bring up something but was cut off by gale warning him with mind-linking with Ryker . The taught made me curious .. Who were they talking about , and why did Gale never wanted to meet me ? 

"Never mind of what i said in the past .. I forgot about it when i saw Fae " Truth be told , i was flattered . There was this weird feeling inside of me that was never felt by my body before . i think its what people call 'LOVE' 

imagine that fae , you finally experienced , what you said you never will my inner wolf said nd i imagine it smirking at me ..

" But do you remember how bad she treated you alpha ? And look at fae , she even has the similarities , with the hair and features , are you not curious that it might happen again ?" Ryker whispered into Gales ear making me feel like im not even infront of them . 

"Uhh , Hello ? Im still here .. Talk shit behind my back not when i can still see you guys , " I said in annoyance . 

What do they think that all of this is just a game ? Its the opposite of that . Its the opposite of what they think . This is more than a joke . You never know what to expect in a pack thats name after a werewolves weakness..

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