Party killer

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I was just listening to my grams.

"Your one of the strongest of our family". She said watering her flowers

"Grams...i don't believe in that stuff". I said looking at the time

I had to go to the party

"have you been getting bad vibes from people?" she asked

I looked at her and frowned

"Yea" I said

"Hmm?". She walked

"What chu mean hmm?". I asked

"Nothing darling have fun at your party" she said

"For my family to be black we have a big imagination". I thought to my self

I walked out my door and got into my car driving to the party. On my way there I see a slightly vision of a number. It came out of nowhere. Then it disappeared from my sight. I was just in shock. I pulled over and I gasp and a vision came in again. I see a girl wondering in the woods. Shes drunk something is following her. That something then attacks. I gasp as my vision ends


I was walking around with chresanto. Everyone was drinking and music was playing.

" haven't told me your ex boyfriend name". I smiled

"Oh his name is prince" He said nodding

"That's a unique name". I smiled

He just blushed

"You loved him?". I asked

"Very much". Chresanto slightly smiled

I hugged him

"Well maybe somebody out there for you". I said still having my arms around him

He looked at me and kissed me with so much passion. I kissed back his lips was so kissable. I bit his lip and I slip my tongue in his mouth.

"Ahhhh!". Someone screamed.

We broke the kiss seeing kiesha on the ground neck bleeding.

I froze there but chresanto went to go help.

"What happen?" I heard some one ask

"I don't know". One person replied

"It bit me!". She screamed and then passed out

I was horrified

Soon the ambulance came to her rescue and the party was over.

I was just standing there thinking what would do that. Kiesha was Taylor little sister. He must be torn up right know

Chresanto came to me

"You ok?". He asked

"What could have done that to her?". I asked

"They say...a wild animal". Chresanto hugged me

"But we haven't had any of that since ages". I said

Chresanto just grab my hand and led me to the car to take me home.


I was just coming from the store. I went up to my porch and grab the keys. But before I could open the door I got thrown to a tree.

"Why?" Chresanto asked as he threw me to another tree

He vamp speed to me.

"That girl did nothing wrong" He said

"What are you talking about?". I said kicking him to the other side of the yard

I vamp speed to him.

"You know little bro". I threw him to the tree

"You need to watch who you talking to" I said as I picked him up

"Now what did I do?" I frowned

"You bit that girl kiesha". Chresanto said

"Kiesha who?". I raised a brow

"The one at the party". Chresanto said

"I didn't even know nothing about a party". I said

"Well if you didn't bite the girl...who did? I mean we are the only two vampires in town". Chresanto said

"Maybe not" we heard a voice.

Me and him turn around

"Elliot?". I raised a brow

He was light skin and had braids. He was wearing a a black shirt with a jacket. Some skinny jeans and some Jordan's.

"In the flesh". He smiled


I know it's short but I just wanted to give yall a little action chapter. But who's Elliot and what do you think of him




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