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"Look what you did fool" Daria hit me

"What I just knocked them out". I said

Chres started to wake up feeling his neck .

"Ok....ray that hurt!" Chres whined

"Stop being such a baby". I said to him

Jacob began to wake

"What happen?" He said getting up.

Chres vamp speed to jake before jake almost fell to the floor again.

"You ok?" Chres asked

"Yea I'm fine..again what happen?" Jake asked

"Well like I said you and Chres imprinted" I said

"What is that?" Jake asked

"Imprinted Is when a vampire mark that person as their mate" I answered

Jake turned Chres

"Why did you imprinted with me?" He asked

"Jake I didn't mean to...i don't know how it happen all I was thinking while drinking your blood that you were mine" Chres said

"And that what's happen" I smiled.

"Well is it a way to get rid of it?" Jake asked

"Well for now killing is the only option" I said "and no one wants to go there"

"Well I think it's time for me and jake to head home". Jasmine said

" no I don't think yall can go around town yet". I said

"Why not?" Chres asked

"Because I'm not sure if they have self control to not too rip people throats out". I complain

"Ray there are strong enough". Chres argue back

"Like I said jasmine and Daria are not.." I was cut off with my neck snapping entering a dark world


Daria snapped his neck

"It's about time". She jumped with excitement "ok let's go"

"I'm sorry". I heard Chres say

He was still shirtless

"It's ok I kinda think this imprinted thing is sexy". I smiled

He smiled

Chres: you don't know how much I want you right now

Me: what?

Chres facial impression got hard

Chres: wait you heard that?

Me: doh

Chres: we can contact each other through are minds...sweet

Me: uh no... Where's block switch

I blinked my eyes at him and thought of blocking him then I couldn't hear his voice no more

"Oh found it" I smirk at Chres

He rolled his eyes

Me and jasmine started heading home for a great holler from our uncle.


I was at this little cafe place. Just drinking my cup of coffee. Then I see these two boys looking suspicious at me. I think I knew exactly who they were here for. me. Daniel must of sent them here for me.

I got out my seat and started walking out the store. I started walking with a crowed of people and I escaped into the cemetery. I thought I was out of their sight until.

"We've been looking for you". One boy said he was Indian with a regular hair also had a Indian accent.

"Well I'm here what do you want?". I sassed

"Daniel wants us to take you to him" The boy was white had blonde hair he had that goth look.

"Look Buddha and gothy tell your master that I am no longer interested in the deal". I said rolling my eyes

They just gave me the look and one kicked me into a tree.

I got up and vamp speed away. But they caught up to me punching. I spit out blood a little.

"You guys want a fight fine" I said

I close my eyes calling all crows

I command you to attack my foe

Then suddenly a lot of crows attack the gothy and I grab a stick and staked him.

Indian boy vamp speed to me but I grab him by his neck and lifted him up.

I grab his hand that had a ring took his ring off

His skin started to boiling he he burst into flames.

I looked at the other boy that was now grey and his vains was every where on his body. I took his ring off and watched his body burned. damn Daniel order the bounty on me

But I have an idea ...I think I want meet this Jacob


Sorry guys I been busy you know projects and school

But what is Prince planning




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