Love and pain pt 1

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So chresanto was giving Daria vampire lessons. I just stood on the side watching them. Daria fist real quick to Chres stomach.
Then she was about kick him. But chres caught her her leg and she fell to the floor.

"Hey that's cheating". Daria complained

"Daria this is no have to be on guard cause you can get stake with in seconds.". Chresanto said seriously

I wonder this prince boy does chres still have feelings for him....did they love each other....did they have sex...that's a stupid question of course he did....he's 162 years old...yeesh good thing he's not showing..

"Maybe I think we should just go to the movies". I blurted out of nowhere.

They looked at me like I was crazy

"Look we've been sitting here since 10 it's 2 take a break" I said

"Jake prince could be anywhere planning to send vampires after us or worst.try to kill you". Chres said worrying.

I thought about that and it scared me to death

"I know but come on one movie please". I whined

"Yea....please chressy". Daria joked then vamp speed upstairs.

"Fine". Chres laugh

He vamp speed to me

"You know that whining turns me on a little" He whispered in my ear. Then walked away.

I cleared my throat pulling my self together from what he said.


One kick blow to me I dodge and the other kick I jump over. Wow this girl got some major reflex ;)

"Quit moving" Jasmine said trying to kick.

Then Bam a punch went straight to my face.

"Damn can't wait till this vampire emotions thing settles in" I held my nose

"Oops sorry". Jasmine said with a smile.

Then there was my opening I grab a stake and stab her.

She gasp as I pulled the stake out...

"Ouch!" She said

You didn't actually think I'll stab her in the heart...what type of guy you think I am?

"Keep your guard up". I said "never show sympathy for your enemy"

I said

"Do I always have to keep my guard up?" She asked

"Yes...because" I grab Daria arm because she was holding a stake "people like her love to do sneak attacks".

"Oh bite me" Daria said

"I already that around 10 times". I said

She growled and drop kicked me to the ground. She jump on me and when she did that I snap her neck.

"Did you have to go and do that?" Jasmine asked

"She was trying to kill me". I complain

Jacob walked in

"Aww again". He whined

A hour pass and everyone was ready...Even Daria I don't like her

Daria was the last to be ready.... of course

"How I look?" She did a gesture.

"You look cute". Jasmine said

"You look like a dog" I mumble making a dog noise .

"Is that shade I hear?" Daria asked

"Guys the less you flirt the faster we can leave". Chresanto said being annoyed

"It Started" i pointed at

"Look!...i have a name" Daria said with a little sassed


I was making a few arrangements...i can't wait till they fall into my trap. I then finally got to the Augusts house. I knock on the door and there uncle answered the door.

"Jacob? I thought you with the guys?" He said .

"Oh I was but I forgot something" I said "may I come In?"

"Of course your family". He said

I did my evilly sexy me smile and walked in.

Ronnie close the door behind me.

I can tell he was staring at I was wearing a shirt showing my stomach. with a jacket and some tight jeans and some converse.

"You know....for 30 year old man your are sure sexy". I said rubbing his arm

"Jake your with chresanto and I don't go that way". He said stuttering

"You know Ron we all have a side no one have" I said rubbing my body up on him

He was giving a signal back which I liked.

"You want me don't you?" I asked

"Ye-s". He stutter

He just like all man....i laugh to my self

"Then you can have me and I won't tell Chres...but tell me about this moon stone". I said

"Well...i don't know much but it can make you immortal...but it's hidden somewhere in the grave yard in the woods." He moan and I rub my butt on his hard Jr.

"Good". I said smiling

I kissed him and I twirl my tongue in his mouth. He moan and he push me on the wall . I put my arms around his waist. As he grind hard to me

"Yes Ron Ron". I moan

Then he stop

"Ron Ron?" He questioned
"When did you ever call me that?"

He backed away

"Jacob?" He asked

I did my evil smile

"Guess again". I said

His eyes widen

"Prince?" He said shocked

"In the flesh" I laugh

"Im on virvain". He said

"Why do you everyone think they can't die cause they on virvain". I said in a disbelief voice "well here's a lesson I learn how to get use to virvain...i drink it.second that's not the only way I can kill you"

He tried to run

But I vamp speed snapping his neck...

"Well's kinda a bummer I wanted to do you then kill you but aye". Then I took his phone vamp speed out.


well that was a chapter lol....any way HAPPY THANKSGIVING YOU GUYS..HOPE EVERYONE ENJOYING IT LOL.


What do you guys think of Prince

Do you like his attitude and sass?

Will Daria ever want to stop trying to kill ray?

Will jake....ever meet prince?




P.s. Sorry if errors second I might be able to update again

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