Chapter 4 - Trigonometry

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Harry POV

I looked around to find the reception, where me and Draco were meant to get our timetables. After looking around for a few seconds, I saw it. It blended in with the school and had 'Reception' written above the door. I tapped Draco's hand and pointed towards the door. We began to walk in the direction of the door.

When we got there, Draco opened it for me and I walked through thanking him and blushing slightly of which, he noticed and chuckled which earn him a little friendly punch on the shoulder.

The little room was cosy and warm with little plants in pots dotted around the room as if all the vegetation outside the room wasn't enough but, it made the room more welcoming.

"Good, morning boys, how may I help you?" The lady at the desk asked nicely with a heart-warming smile.

I looked up to Draco waiting for him to talk to the lady. I was too scared– too much of a chicken. He cutely smiled down at me.

"Hi, I'm Draco Malfoy and this is Harry Potter," Draco introduced confidently. "We are new here and were told to come to the Reception to collect our timetables."

I just loved the way he held himself up so confidently and proudly. It made me feel safe and protected and warm and loved and-

"Here they are," The lady said interrupting my thoughts. "Oh, by the way, if you are wondering, my name is Mrs. Cope." She said with another warm smile. "Here is a form that I would like you to give to your teachers in every lesson to sign and bring it back here at the end of the day. And finally, here is a map of the school to help you find your way around. Enjoy your first day here."

I looked up not realising that I had been looking down and probably had a wide, goofy smile on my face due to my previous thoughts. I looked at Mrs. Cope and gave her a smile and a quiet "Thank you" before leaving the little office.

Stepping through the door and down the steps back outside, Draco gave me my timetable and we looked at it to see if we have any lessons together.

"I have Trigonometry with Mr. Varner, then English with Mr. Mason, then Art with Mrs. Bozwell, then French with Mrs. Goff then lunch then Chemistry with Mr. Banner then finally Gym with Coach Clapp. What do you have?" Draco asked.

"I have all the same the lessons with you apart from Art and French. When you have art, I have Music with Mrs. Kelalies and when you have French, I have Spanish with Mrs. Flurr." I said laughing at her name as did Draco. Mrs. Flurr reminded me of Fleur Delacour and Mrs. Kelalies sounded like ukuleles.

Suddenly, a bell rang, and the other pupils began to move towards the building so me and Draco began to head over to Building 5. We weren't far so it was like a 2-minute walk taking our time but not talking. It was a comfortable silence. When we got to class, me and Draco gave our sheets to Mr. Varner, and he signed them.

"Right, Mr. Potter and Mr. Malfoy, please take a seat at the back row sorry, there is no other space left." Mr. Varner said but I really liked that because now, no one could stare at me unless I saw them.

I gave him a shy smile when Mr. Varner turned to look at me then I walked to the back with Draco close behind me and touching me slightly like always to keep me aware of his presence. But it didn't help as the other pupils in the class were literally staring as though we were some prized artifact in a museum that was priceless due to its beauty and style. I relaxed a bit when I sat down next to Draco sitting in the corner away from anyone and I knew that Draco would be giving them death stares if they so much as look at me in the wrong way.

The teacher began to talk I tried to listen, but I couldn't I just sat there and stared at my hands on my laps trying to make myself as small as possible. I felt so self-conscious what if I had something on my face or my hair looked worse than usual. Or what if my clothes were ripped and that is why they were staring so much?

I took a deep breath I felt myself beginning to panic. After I took multiple deep breaths trying to calm myself then Draco's hand was on my thigh and holding my hand under the table. I looked up to see him giving me one of his encouraging smiles I felt like leaning in and putting my head on his chest but with all these spectators and me not wanting them to know that I am gay yet, I didn't do it. I probably would be judged so much before they even got to know me properly.

"Right, I will hand out the worksheets and you can get to work. If you need any help, make sure you ask your partner then me. You can start as soon as you get your sheet." Mr. Varner instructed.

I looked at Draco afraid, I had no idea what we were doing I hope he knew.

"Its fine Harry baby, I was listening, so I know what to do. I will try and teach you if you want." Draco said lovingly and understandingly.

He thought me what the teacher had been going on for the first 20 minutes of the lesson in like 5 minutes. Maths wasn't that hard. After that, I did the work and checked it against Draco's answer, and I had gotten them right I was happy until a I looked around the room to see my classmates when I saw HIM.

I only saw the side and back of his face, but it looked angelic. He had a bronze-coloured hair that was a mix between red and brown creating an amazing shade that looked perfect. His nose was straight and had a nice, smooth curve. He had bright pink lips with a tinge of red. They looked so good and so kissable.

"What are you looking at?" Draco asked from beside me and looking in the same direction that I was looking in. "Harry?" He asked.

"Draco," I replied.

"Doesn't he- doesn't he-" He stopped talking and changed into Legilimency.

'Doesn't he look like a vampire Harry? Look at him – pale, white skin, perfect features and looks like he is really handsome.'

'Yes, but we don't know. And we can't until we see his face I mean at least now if we see a vampire; we can recognise them, right?' I thought back to him.

It was during the war that some vampires decided to join Voldemort. Fortunately, we had some vampires on our side too they were the ones that Hagrid managed to get before Voldemort got to them. It was very scary because most spells don't work on vampires, so they are extremely hard to kill even with magic. You just wished and hoped that they didn't bite you. Me and Draco were very lucky and didn't get bitten during the war.

'Harry, you know that if there is one vampire, there is always more.' Draco thought.

I gulped and we both burst out laughing. I was sure that the whole class would be looking at me and Draco, but I really didn't care this was hilarious! How dangerous could vampires that lived and went to school with humans be? I laughed even harder thinking about it like that.

'Draco, do you think these are the vampires that drink animal blood instead of human? 'Cause remember that lesson with Remus when he was talking about vampires and the Volturi and he mentioned about the Vampires that currently at the time lived in Alaska with another coven.' I thought to Draco.

I looked at Draco who seemed to be thinking.

"Mmm, maybe we can talk about it when we get home." Draco replied and looked at me before we began to work again.

"Right guys, the lesson is about to finish you can leave your work on my desk before you leave, and I will have them marked for our next le-." Mr. Varner said but got interrupted by the bell. "Next lesson. Have a great day everyone."

Draco got up and took my sheet and waited for me to get up and tuck my seat in before we headed towards the door.

"Thanks," I said. "We now have English, right?"

"Yes, with Mr. Mason," Draco said. "We have it in building three."

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