Chapter 12 - Cry Till You Sleep

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Harry POV

Sitting in the cold cutting, wasn't the best idea but it was the best. If I didn't die of blood loss, I would die of hypothermia.

I sat there sobbing my eyes out and slicing my arms and legs and anywhere else I could see.

Suddenly, something dropped from one of the trees. I looked up and saw a man, a vampire, who was barely wearing anything, but he had on some faded jeans and that was it. If I saw Draco like this, I would be worshiping his body but, in this case, I wanted to have nothing to do with this man but he seemed to want something from me.

"Mmmm, you do smell delicious," he said as he walked closer to me. "Those wounds do look deep. Should I rub some salt into them for you?"

He came and sat next to me and placed a hand on my cut-up thighs. I hissed in pain. He slowly dragged up that hand and rested it on my crotch.

"No, p-p-please, don't." I pleaded. "It's happened so many times."

"Well then, you should be used to it!" He said as he lifted me up. "I'm gonna take you hard and fast so you won't ever forget me!"

He pulled my trousers down and quickly after that, the pain began again. But I didn't have any strength to fight him or even scream but he didn't last long. After he had cum, he bit my neck and that was some agonizing pain. I screamed and yelped as he sucked at my neck. When he had finished, I felt him drop me to the floor.

"You were real good, no wonder why men want you. I'll be back," he said.

That was the last I heard before blacking out and hopefully dying...


Draco POV

It has been 1 week since our meeting with the Cullens.

Or 7 days.

Or 168 hours.

Or 10080 minutes.

Or 604800 seconds since our meeting with the Cullens and Harry still hasn't woken up.

I had to go to school by myself, but I was with the Cullens, so it was okay. Over the course of the 168 hours, I have been with the Cullens and talked to them about Wizards and how the Wizarding World is like and getting to know each one of them. I have told the teachers and other staff that Harry has gone back to England to get together with his family and he will be back in a few week's time.

Though I have been affected by Harry's unresponsiveness, Edward seems to take it even harder that you rarely see him, and he hasn't been to school all week. He only went out to hunt and when he came back, it would be straight to his room. He did come to visit Harry a few times, but I think the reason he can't stay for long is because of me but I don't really care because I have been by Harry's side for years and I won't give that up to some vampire who claims to be his mate.

When I am at school, Esme Cullen, the mother representative of the family, looked after Harry and when I got back, I would hold Harry's hand and do my homework or just sit there and cry.

Today, I am lying next to Harry's unresponsive figure and not crying which was a change. The only sound I could hear was the clock ticking and mine and Harry's breathing.

Tick, Tock, Tick, Tock....

That was when I felt him move.

"Harry?" I asked.

No response.

"Harry?" I asked again.

He moved his head.

"Draco?" Came his slurred response.

His eyes flashed open to reveal emerald, forest eyes.

"Harry!" I shouted diving and engulfing him in a hug.

"Ouch! My ears!" He exclaimed as he moved his hands up to cover his ears.

How could I forget? Carlisle gave me a lecture on when a vampire wakes up for the first time, and what to expect but Harry was different. He should be going crazy and wanting blood and his eyes- they should be red not green.

"What? Do I have something on my face?" He asked rubbing his face.

"What? No! It's just." I began but stopped. "Promise me that you won't overreact and that you will keep calm Harry." I asked.

"Why?-" He began.

"Just answer it," I said calmly.

He nodded his head.

"Okay, so as you know, you were raped a week ago.-" I said.

"What? It hap-happened last night." He said squeezing his eyes shut.

When he opened his eyes, I shook my head. "You have been asleep for one week."

"Why?" He asked.

"Promise you won't freak out?" I asked to which he nodded. "So, when the vampire raped you, he bit you and turned you into a vampire as well but that's not all. You are Edward Cullen's mate whom I suspect is Cedric but somehow got taken back in-time. Finally... you, you, you are pregnant. With the vampire's baby. But Edward killed the vampire, so he is nothing to worry about. Now." I said quickly so that he can explode in one go and I will have to calm him down once.

I saw him begin to hyperventilate.

"Calm down Harry," I said calmly.

"Calm down Draco? Calm down? I JUST GOT SO UNLUCKY AND GOT RAPED AND BITTEN BY A VAMPIRE AND NOW I AM PREGNANT! CALM DOWN?" Was all he said as he burst into tears which was a strange, red colour. He was crying blood! I know that he will regret this sooner or later for having have shouted at me. I was about to tell him about his tears when the house began to shake.

The windows in the house shattered and fell into the room. There were cracks that were forming in the walls.

"Harry please, you're going to kill us and your unborn child. I know that you won't forgive yourself if your child died. Please Harry calm down!" I shouted over all the noise.

The shaking suddenly came to a holt. Harry collapsed back onto the bed.

"I'm sorry," He murmured quietly whilst covering his face with his hands.

"It's fine Harry," I said laying down next to him and rapping an arm around his stomach. "Let me just fix the house."

I waved my hand and used wandless, wordless magic to fix the windows and the cracks in the wall.

"You must be exhausted!" I told Harry.

"No," He replied with no emotion in his voice.

"What's wrong Harry?" I asked kissing his forehead.

He sighed. "Draco, it's just that I have gone through so much r-ra-rape and then suddenly, I get pregnant! Why is that? Why?" He asked hugging himself.

"I don't know, I just don't know," I said as tears began to swell up in my eyes.

Harry began to cry, and I began to cry with him.

We cried for hours and when it turned dark, I was making myself comfortable next to Harry when he spoke.

"Draco, is it okay if you slept in your room tonight... please?" He asked.

He was pushing me away again. I wasn't going to allow that.

"Harry-" I began.

"Please, Draco, trust me," He pleaded. "If I hurt myself, I will be hurting the baby. I just need some alone time to think and take in what has happened and what is happening to me."

I began to cry again and ran out of the room to my room. I lay on the bed and began to cry into my pillow. Harry has found someone else and now I am back to being his ex I am sure Edward Cullen is going to replace me.

I cried myself to sleep; thinking about what tomorrow would be like.

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