chapter 21

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Issie: Stop lying you Bastard

Xander: *cracks a full on psychotic smile* i have one thing to say to you Chidore you killed gasper and trapped y/n and astral so I guess I will end it

Koneko: pervert I trusted you

Rias:.........Xander stop talking I don't care anymore if issie dies or not but fi--

*a summoning circle appears in the middle of the room and out comes kuroka with ophis and vali.rias and the rest of the peerage get into attack position*


Xander: *his voice completely distorts* FUCK SAKE I trade a number to Chidore for this and big tittie cat, legal lolli dragon and an ego TISTICAL BASTARD RUIN IT literally I spent YEARS on this and you kitty are the one to stop me seriously all you had to do was keep ophis busy and get her to attack red BUT NOOOO You had to Fuck my shit up why is that because I got someone to change peoples memory's or is it because of the whole I enabled you to kill that crack head scientist that "EXPERIMENTED ON YOU" AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA JYAN JA JYAN oh wait You didn't know that did you I let you out of that cage I saved you well when I say save it lead to a whole SHIT TON OF PROBLEMS FOR YOU AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA MWAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAH anywho

*puts hands infront of himself and forms a purple ball of energy.he starts to laugh maniacally*


*Xander transforms into a gray barian*

Vector: *mimics gasper* Issie HELP ME ISSIE PLEASE HELP DON'T LET HIM....*Voice changes back to normal* AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Well here I am is-- *He gets cut off by a blinding blue blast of energy hitting him destroying the house. Marin walks out of the dust with a scythe to vector's neck *

Marin: now vector tell me WHY you Fucked time up tell me NOW

vector:* mimics voice over man* it was at that minute he knew he Fucked up


*a yellow barian appears with a serious look in his eyes* Marin you better leave

Marin: oh coming to BROTECT your boyfriend

Mizar:no its not like that....I have come here for vector for he took nearly all of the talismants he scattered them all around the world as much as it pains me to say this he needs to be alive

Vector: *mimics marin* aww he does care

* a blue and green swirl appears in the sky and I comes down like a hurricane and out from it comes the barian observer of time chidore*


Chidore: I am only fashionably late now vector trust me on this one plan Z

Vector:fine fine but we'll gate to be the bringer of bad news but the incarnate of priestess gone domunatrix has a scythe to my neck so yeah to late for plan Z and also HOW THE FUCK ARE WE SUPPOSED TO FIND 4 BOYS THAT LOOK THE EXACT SAME WITH DIFFERENT HAIR

Chidore :true very true well then I challenge you Mizar of the dragon

*End of chapter *

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