Chapter 33

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* rias looks into the sky and the sun is out......which is weird because its the middle of the night ...but its moving closer at a rapid was about to hit the school when aoi fires a beam of energy from their hands it relults in a struggle between the sphere of fire and the beam of holy energy....but the sphere explodes destroying the occult club along with the remaining residents inside that wing of the school all engulfed in flames*

Rias: what was that......?

*a figure walks out of the fire they have a mark on their face a scare and what seems to be a third eye on their forehead*

Riser: Hehehehheheh checkmate again rias *riser streches out his hand inside his palm forms a red beam that he fires......but issie jumps infront trying to block with his dragon hand ((fap hand)) but the beam is too hot it overwhelms issie until yami walks in his aura flares up its gold it has a terrifying and unnerving feeling to it. Yami just deflects the beam and fires a beam of his own at riser. Riser is blasted back because of the explosion that insued destroying half of risers body but his regeneration seems to be amplified it regenerates within a matter of mili seconds*

Yami: if you keep going down this path he will make you regret it. He has already  corrupted you so please stop fighting and make thsi easier on yourself ... all he wants is to kill everything

Riser: YOUR WRONG he wants to help me. They have seen potential in me this is why he sent ME to kill you **riser forms a ball of blue fire in the palm of his hand it grows and grows until it's the  suze of a average sized cathedral and then throws it....yami fires a small thin beam of energy cutting through it splitting it in  two aswell as cutting through riser. The two pieces of the fire ball fall on the floor and explode engulfing people running aswell as a few fallen angels koneko and asia. Issie is able to cover them*

Yami: LISTEN TO ME are corrupting you everytime you give into rage your falling more and more *yami summons his scythe* so if you take another step your going to regret it ..... so what will it be hot shot  * riser wngulfs himself in flames and flys directly at yami he punches yami in the face leaving a burn mark and launching yami into a near by mountain*

Riser: you said nothing about flying
*riser then unleashed a barrage  of blue fire balls at the mountain that yami was currently lodged in. But yami created a wall that consisted of a white spirit substance that nlocked the attacks then took form of a single eye*

Yami: MIND CRUSH * the eye opened and riser his eyes turned white his pupels turned red but he didnt fall he stood their and started laughing wasnt his voice it was distorted. He could not make sense or even hear most of what they were saying*

Riser: st...ill...;#&$:÷€#^÷_÷^÷^^#£#&@£×_÷£@^@£@^ you ^#*÷/×£/×¥!@&@¥₩@€÷&÷÷£ cant stop us ÷& him..... you  will F@/_/_ your a puppet so reasoning is futile .....its okay but now you fight KING OF HALF. KING OF of the split. ......So COME AT ME NAVE. YOUR MASTER AWAITS YOU IN PURGATORY * yami charges at riser and riser does the same they are centimetres from clashing with this duel to decide the fate of The world

*end of chapter*
Short chapter but the fight chapter is up next and i have an extra week so i might boom out chapters aswelk as study also if you want to have an anime duel of yugioh come on ygopro eu servers and look fir my roleplay server my name is Silver Hyperdeath their anywho bye for now ba bye

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