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Emily's pov

Germany is awesome, I got enrolled in school and had my first week of school, I'm still learning German but I'm learning fast.

My dad got a new job, a great job, and I had two new friends Kikka and Liezel. They both spoke some English and I'm helping them learn more English and they are helping me learn German.

Finally, after a long day of school I went home, when I arrived I heard a dog bark.

When I walked in the house my old dog, barlow was there.

"Barlow!" I yelled in excitement. After everything happened barley went missing and I never knew or asked what happened.

I got on my knees and hugged her, my dad came walking out, he had a nervous expression on his face. "Dad, where did you find her!?" I exclaimed, smiling and laughing as I kissed my long loss dog.

Soon I saw a gun pointing at my dads head, my smile turned into a frown. I looked at the long lanky arm that was holding the gun and was met to the eyes of Darren.

"Hi emily," he said with a crooked smile. I scurried to my feet and ran to the door, Darren followed close behind.

I looked back as I ran through the door and seen my dad on the ground.

I wanted to go help him, but I ran.

I seen a officer at the end of my street and I ran to him, Darren still followed until he realized where I was going.

I ran up to the officer, "hilf einem Kerl, in mein Haus einzubrechen und eine Waffe zu haben!" I panicked. The officer quickly ran down the road and pulled his gun out, Darren was leaving the house with my dad sling over his shoulder. "Lass den Kerl und die Waffe fallen!" The officer yelled, Darren put the gun to my dads head and the officer shot Darren in his chest.

Darren fell to the ground, holding the wound. "Fuck you emily. Your mother deserved to die!" Darren screamed at me.

I watched as Darren's chest slowly moved and came to a stop, his eyes wide open and hand draped across his chest.

I stared at his dead body as the officer went to my house, speaking in his radio for a ambulance.

I ran over to my dad, "emily, you're okay." He let out a breath. "Yes, are you okay?" I asked him, holding his hand. He nodded, "I'm fine."

I heard the sirens of the ambulance, and then it came to a stop in front of my home. The paramedics came rushing to my dad, "wie ist dein Name?" The paramedic asked, "James Baker" my dad answered.

the paramedics took my father away in the big loud vehicle and i was left on the sidewalk, sitting there, watching the birds fly by. "emily?" a officer came up to me. i looked up at him and was greeted by his sweet smile and warm brown eyes.

"yes, that's me." i answered, not wanting to look away from his gorgeous brown eyes. "come with me, we are going to the hospital to meet up with your dad." he told me. i nodded and followed him to his police car.

i got in the back seat and buckled my seat belt. "my name is officer gibbons, I'm one of the head police officers at the police station, I'm also one of the first responders on the scene when you were kidnapped." the officer, i now know as officer gibbons, informed me. "wait, when i was kidnapped was when i lived in america, you followed me and my father all the way here?" i asked.

officer gibbons nodded, "i wanted to keep an eye on you two, you're the most interesting case I've had in the whole ten years I've worked as a police officer." officer gibbons replied, looking at me through the rear view mirror. "wow. i didn't know it was that interesting for others." i answered, looking at the rabbit that was hopping around someones yard.

officer gibbons kept driving and the rest of the five minute drive was silent, but it was a comfortable silence.

as i was in my thoughts, thinking about everything that's happened, i heard a screeching sound and i was shot forward into the seat in front of me.

"are you okay?!" officer gibbons panicked. i nodded, rubbing my head. "I'm fine. what happened?" i asked him. he looked forwards and back at me, "a car in front of us slammed on their brakes and slid and we crashed right into them." he explained to me.

i looked out the windshield, it was shattered but i seen a car that was a few feet away from us and the side of it was crushed. "ill be right back, I'm going to make sure everyone is okay. i nodded and unbuckled my seat belt, waiting for officer gibbons to return.

after a few minutes he finally returned, "everyone is okay, lets get you out and make sure you have no signs of a concussion or any open wounds." he said, closing his door.

i got out of the car and stood on the sidewalk as officer gibbons walked over to me. he checked my arms, legs, head, feet, stomach, and back for any wounds and there were none. he couldn't fully tell if i had a concussion or not.

it seemed like it'd be a while until i got to that hospital.

*hey guys! its willowlee here, I'm so so sorry for not updating. its been a stressful month, I've been preparing for the arrival of my son and spending time with all of my family and traveling. today i finally had enough time to sit down and actually write a chapter. i really hope you enjoyed it and there is a lot of chaos in this one, hope you liked it! love you all and thanks for all the support! <3


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