(One-Shot) ~ Out In The Open

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I've never written Densi before so please be gentle but honest. This will also be posted to my ff account: writeyourownhappyending :)

It scared her, the way she collapsed into him earlier. It had only ever happened once before, and funnily enough, about the same topic. Not that it was funny. In fact it was far from that. He knew something was up as soon as she walked out of the interrogation room. But he didn't say anything until the DoJ left. He kept up his charade right up until they were gone.

He was worried about her, could see in her face that what had happened behind closed doors had shaken her. So he pulled her into his arms, to comfort her. Mildly surprised when she didn't pull back, he held her tighter. Whispering soothing nothings into her ear. Every word of what he said was true, every single word.

She felt so safe in his arms while she cried, she felt.... Home. Yeah, home. Wow, Deeks and home. Now there's two things she would never have dared to think all those years ago in the one sentence.

A knock on her door startled her from her deep daydream. It was Deeks. How amusing that she can tell he's at her door just by his knocking. He really had wormed his way into her life and, as cliché as it sounds, stolen her heart. For the good, of course.

Since everything that happened with her father and Jack, she never thought she could love again. Never thought she could let anyone in, in fear she would get hurt once again or that she would hurt them. She had built a metaphorical wall up around her heart, only to have it knocked down. Piece, by painstakingly tiny, piece. And it was all him.

He knocked again. "Yeah, coming," she called. Standing from the couch, she pulled her loose curls into a messy bun, tendrils framing her face giving her a softer feature and adjusted her tank top.

"Hey," was his greeting, in that soft tone she had come to love over the years of knowing him. The caring and sweet tone, but confident and husky. She gestured for him to walk in, so he did, talking as he moved past her. "So I had no idea what you felt like, but by the day we've had, and by we, I of course mean you, I knew ice cream was a must. So I got two pints of that. Um, there's Italian, Thai, pizza, and uh hot dogs."

He gave her a sheepish looking grin. She sniggered at him, and closed the door. "Pizza?"

He nodded in agreement, happy to see her smile again. "Beers?" he asked, knowing full well what her reply would be.

"Please!" she almost drooled at them mention of beer with her best friend.

Best friends. Is that what they were? He did say partners earlier, and she sure felt deflated when he said it. Partner, friend, the love of her life? Woah there tiger, a bit too fast don't you think? It's been like five years, Kensi.

Ugh inner arguments, great, just great. Exactly what I need after the day I've had. "Kens, are you okay? You seem distracted." It was more of a statement than a question. He turned to face her on the couch. She looked absolutely beautiful. Blue tank top, loosely fitted, black shorts that show off her legs that never quit, face ridded of the barely there make-up she would wear, and her hair up in a messy bun with bits hanging down and framing her face.

She looked perfect. He reached out and tucked a tendril behind her ear, electricity almost sparking when his finger grazed her ear, before pulling away giving her his signature I'm listening look. "Uh, yeah I'm fine," she mumbled.

"Kensalina, you do know, you are not very convincing right? And fine never means fine, but if you don't want to talk about whatever it is that's bothering you, okay. I'll just sit here watching ANTM eating pizza, drinking beer and then ice cream with my best friend," he replied.

{Densi} In My Arms (One-Shot)Where stories live. Discover now