Chapter 3 - Sammy Can We Talk?

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The week went on pretty much the same as Monday, Cas would sit with Dean at lunch and at break and just talk about random things like music and TV and the both of them enjoying each other’s company. Friday was casual Friday at work, and Castiel decided to where his Hogwarts shirt for his own amusement, and he was getting rather excited about going out for a drink that night with Dean, he forgot that other people would be there but he really didn’t care he just wanted to spend time with him.

Dean on the other hand was incredibly nervous; he had never felt like this about a guy before. He kept thinking to himself ‘Why do I feel like this for Castiel? Was this just a strong bromance or am I gay?’ Before work Dean went to talk to his younger brother about it, Sam who had been openly bisexual for two years.

“Hey erm Sammy can I just talk to you for a second?” I suddenly got really hot and embarrassed, my hands started to get clammy and I could feel my face heating up and turning red.

“Yeah Dude? Are you alright you seem nervous?” Sammy could read Dean like a book, Dean and Sam were so close but when it came to Deans feelings, Dean got a little flustered and normally didn’t like to talk about it. Sam started to get a little bit worried so he sat down and gave him a sympathetic smile for him to continue.

“Eerm, yeah I don’t really know how to say this s-so erm I’m just gonna say it. How did you know you where bi, and that you liked guys?” Dean couldn’t look Sam in the eye as he asked his question, he was obviously embarrassed. Sam got out of his chair and rubbed his older brothers back. He knew exactly how he felt.

“Dean it’s really nothing to be ashamed of, but does this guy know that you like him? You should probably talk to him about it, to see if he’s gay or not you may as well find out so you’re not heartbroken.”

Dean thought about it long and hard and decided Sam was right, he just needed to get Cas alone tonight, he wouldn’t do it at work in case Cas didn’t feel the same way making the rest of the day awkward.


“OH MY GOD!! Castiel I love your shirt!” Charlie practically shouted as she saw me in the car park, she was wearing a captain America style tee which was pretty awesome.

“Wow thanks, so is yours, captain America is pretty hot, don’t you think?”

“He’s not really my type”

“What really? He’s gorgeous how can you not?!”

“I mean he’s not a she, have we just come out to each other? Well that was easy”

Well I wish it was that easy when I told my family. Michael and his father had been to roughest on Castiel, Balthazar and Gabriel on the other hand were super supportive, they stopped their father from being violent towards him, they even gave him money to help him set up in Kansas to get away from them. And they seemed to understand why Cas kept his location a secret, their dad would get it out of them eventually, thinking of this made Cas sad, Just wait until the end of the day and you will forget about it and have fun.


authors note-

Sammy is bi, wooo;) Also a small chapter didnt realise how small but oh well, got a week off college so im gonna write more, writing these are pretty fun:) 

Might add a little smut to the next chapter. Not full smut but maybe just a little bit of cheeky smut

Thanks for reading:) 

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