chapter 2

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Carly's P.O.V
I wake up, sweat dripping from my forehead into the palms of my shaking hands. Why I was sweating so much? I don't even know that answer. I try and sit up, but apparently I was still strapped to a bed. By now you would think I would've know I shouldn't even try but I did anyway. I look around the room, everything seems to be the same from what I think was before. Except that I had a mask over my nose and mouth for some reason. I scream as loud as I possibly can. I can't tell you why I did, but I guess it just came out.

After that episode, a lady who was smiling with straight blonde hair that was in a ponytail, came in my room, along with another person who was wearing a white coat. They both walk up to me, and the lady who was now holding a clipboard, she took one look at me and the monitor.

She then said to the doctor, "Well, she's extremely pale, her tempature is at 105.4, her heart rate is normal, she's still having trouble breathing, and she needs to be sent to the Emergency Care Unit (ECU)."

The doctor then says, "Okay, let's move."  In the next 30 seconds, I see six more nurses come rushing in. Five of them grab different parts of my bed, the other one grabs the pink wheelchair, and the doctor and nurse follow behind. They roll me out of my room, down the hall, and into an elevator, that was surprisingly big because it fit me, my bed,a wheelchair, and nine people. We got out of the elevator at floor number five, and we go through some doors. They all work together to hook me back uo to everything again, and leave me with the original doctor and nurse.

I look at them and say, "What happened to me?" There was a long, silent, pause and while I was waiting for an answer, I could feel my heat rate getting faster. The monitor beeps louder and faster just like before, ugggghhhh I really hate those things, I think to myself.

The doctor takes one look at the monitor, and immediately says, "Carly this really isn't safe for you, in the type of condition you're in right now. All I need you to do is breathe and I will tell you everything. Does that sound like a plan?" I took a minute, just lying there, to process all the words the doctor said. I mean she is nice, especially for a doctor, so I guess I could give her a chance. After that, I can feel my heart rate slowing down, the doctor then looked at the monitor and said, "Good," to the nurse, who was standing right next to her.

"Wait a minute," I said, and they both turned around and looked at me, "Who's Carly?"

"Oh, yeah I must've forgotten about that part, make a note of that though," she said to the nurse. "Okay, you," and she pointed to me, "your name is Carly, Carly Miller, and you remember waking up just a few minutes ago, right?" I nod my head in response, and she continues, "Well, when you recall everything going black, you went into what we call a coma, for about two months or so. Now, when you went into the coma, right after it happened, you had trouble breathing when a team of nurses and I came into your room to check on you. This was because your monitor was beeping so loud and fast. In the end we had to put an oxygen mask over your mouth and nose."

"That really happened?" I say. They both nod their heads to respond to my question.

The nurse says, " I will be your nurse, obviously, while you are in the hospital. By the way, you can call me Bridget, and I will be the one who takes you to the places you need to go, give you the medicines you need, keep an eye on you etc."

"Okay, that works for me."

"So Carly, you are going to have an operation in about 35 minutes and they need you ready. Bridget, your nurse, will give you everything you need. She will so give you medicine to help with your fever. Does that sound okay?"

"Yep," I reply. She then left my room, leaving only Bridget and I left. Bridget gave me the medicine and another pair of clothes, or rather pajamas, to change into. I never knew what I was going in for, when I went to the operation. They never told me, so I guess I would never know. The one and only thing I knew was that the operation took some time. After my operation, I woke up to find myself in a different bed, different area, a T.V. and the wheelchair.I sit up in bed, half expecting, to be strapped to it but, surprisingly I could sit up fully. That was one thing I wanted- to not be strapped to a bed- I wonder why they strapped me to a bed? Was it for my own safety or do they do it to everyone? I don't know those answers but I could finally sit up for once! I soon find the small remote for the T.V. and turned it on. A nurse walks in and checks my I.V.,which I just noticed was in my right arm, then checks my monitor for my breathing and geart rate. She jots everything down and leaves. Bridget comes in next and checks my blood pressure, except when she's done she doesn't leave, like the other nurse from before.

Instead, she sits down in a chair, and says, "If you're wondering what room this is, it's called the recovery room. This is where you pretty much wake up after having an operation to well, recover. Most people leave the recovery room after a day or two after their operation was preformed. Honestly, I personally think it's based on the operation you had. For you though, I think you'll get to leave this room on Friday, tomorrow if you're lucky."

Just great I get to spend two more days in this so called "recovery room". Do people actually even recover? I think to myself. What happens to them after? I guess I'll find out on Friday, yay I think to myself, in a sarcastic tone.

Later on that day, I was finally allowed out of my bed to move around a bit. The only problem was that I couldn't walk on my own, I was pushed in a wheelchair. It was the same one from before, but it was comfy. Fortunately, I did get to see most of the hospital which was an odd experience on my side of the story.

Bridget took me back to my bed in the recovery room and I ate dinner. It wasn't a full dinner, technically, only because I ate a popsicle. Okay, two popsicles, but they tasted unrealistically good, mouth watering, deliciousness. I was starving, so don't judge me, that's all I got.

It had defiantly been a long, weird day for me, but I was glad it was over. I look at the clock, if was now 10:59 p.m., I knew I shoukd really get some sleep, but these certain questions kept me awake.

When exacly was I going to get out of this hospital? If I was going to get out of this hospital anytime soon, when? If I don't ever leave the hospital, I honestly don't know what would happen to me.

Eventually, I fell asleep, but those questions, I didn't know if I would get any answers , especially here.

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