Making up after the fight

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Katsuki Bakugou:

A week or 2 after your fight he stopped you and grabbed your wrist and pulled you into an empty hallway. You looks at him fighting back tears when he pulls you into his strong chest dropping his head to the nape of your neck. He softly cries as he explains how sorry he is and that he wanted more than anything to take back his words. He looked so fragile like this.. you hugged him and brushed your hand through his ash blonde hair. you could tell he was genuine and really hurt, you happily took him Back on the condition that he would be nicer to everyone. He wasn't happy with it but it meant he would get you back so he agreed. He rest his hands on your waist and gently kissed you. For the rest of the day and all week he would show more affection than ever always being around you and in a constant protection mode.

Izuku Midorya:

You couldnt focus in class. All you could think of was the little cinnamon bun. You were brought out of thought when a paper wad hit the back of your head. "meet me at the roof of the school. its important...-Secret"  You were confused but decided to go. After class you went to the roof like the note said when you saw the fimiliar broccoli boy youve been thinking about all day. He had his arms open as if he wanted a hug. You ran up to him and hugged him back. He gently kissed your cheek and explained  he was sorry and that it wasnt like him. He was greatful that you were concerned. With that you all walked to the dorms hand in hand and smiles on your faces.

Shouto Todoroki:

He walked around the dorms trying to find you when he heard Soft crying coming from Dekus room. he lightly knocks on the door when you get up and answer. You see the boy who made you cry and try to shut the door. He stops it and carries you back to his room. He sits you on the bed and begins telling you hes sorry. He had realized you couldnt hep your quirk and that you were nothing like his father. you accept his appology and give him a quick kiss. He lays on you and falls asleep easy knowing your his again.

Kaminari Denki:

He was looking at you in class again about a week after the fight. You decide to try and talk to him seeing as he's become his complete polar opposite. After class before he left you called out to him. he immediately turned around and started walking in your direction. He pulled you into a tight embrace cutting off what you were about to say. He apologized and looked as though he was about to cry. You look at him with a smile and kissed his lip. His eyes shot wide open and flutter closed as he cups one cheek. You all stay like this sharing the beautiful moment. You all walk to your house afterschool and end up cuddling and watching movies until you fell asleep on his warm tight embrace.

Eijiro Kirishima:

A day after the fight he was looking at you in class fighting back tears. You glance over at him to see a broken boy who was once happy and manly. After class he decided to talk to you. He grabs your wrist before you exit the class and waited till everyone was fine. he explained how Bakugou was in love with him and how he wanted more than anything to ruin your all's relationship in hopes of getting Kirin to fall in love with him. He explained how he was trying to be nice but say he wasn't interested and it made it look like he was actually cheating. you let it all sink in.. Kiri, the love of your life was framed by no other than Katsuki Bakugou. You decide to take him back on the condition that he would stay away from bakugou and he agreed. you all shared a genuine happy kiss and went back to Kiris dorm.

Hitoshi Shinsou:

He couldn't stop thinking about you. 3 days after the fight we walks to your dorm room and lightly knocks. You answer to see the purple haired insomniac looking in worse shape than ever. You were no longer upset with him seeing him in this state, you let him in and he takes your hands in his and looks into your (E/C) orbs. He tells you has sorry for everything and that he never meant to break your boundaries. he just wanted to help you. You couldn't stay mad.. You accept his apology and walk his over to the couch. you lay down and he lays on top of your chest. you lightly kiss him and tell him he can sleep now and that your not going anywhere.

Tenya Iida:

He asks to talk with you in private and you accept. You all walk into an empty classroom and he breaks down his barriers. you see the hollow of a broken man, he breaks down and starts to apologize  for not being good enough and not being able to make you happy. He said he felt protective over you and let it get the better of him. You stood there thinking for a few minutes. before he left you alone on your thoughts you hugged him and accepted his apology. He smile and kisses the back of your hand. you all continue out the day as a happy couple.

A/N: Oh my gosh this took so long to write! in sorry for any spelling errors. my finifhing word count is 1007 and that's more than I ever have wrote. I home you all are enjoying my book! feel free to comment any ideas for an upcoming chapter or a senerio that you would like to see. See you later my lovlys! xoxo


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