Feat. Jschlatt

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Travis: schlatt bring me toilet paper

Shlat: I... Travis I don't even live in the same time zone as you, let alone state
I can't bring you tp

Travis: :-(

Shlat: sorry dude
want me to ask someone else

Travis: Nooooo that's embarasing

Shlat: how can I help then

Travis: call Cooper on discord and force him to bring me tp while he's still on the call

Shlat: can you elaborate?

Travis: like you call him and tell him to get on the call on his phone (no video Im on toilet) and make him bring the papers

Shlat: ah yes... The papers

~Time skip brought to you by code cscoop (use code cscoop)~°|

Travis: Schlatt

Shlat: yes?

Travis: why did Cooper just slide a picture of a banana that looks like a pp under the door

Shlat: do you... Like it?

Travis: ??
i need to wipe my butt

Shlat: I cant fucking brwathe

Travis: : (
>: (
>: 0

/  \

Travis: :' (

Shlat: ok I told him to give you the tp now
sorry, I had to, dude

Travis: "dude" - Jschlatt (2019)

Shlat: ok travis

Travis: see you at the next recording?

Shlat: yeah a goopcast episode I tbink

Travis: k talk to u later gtg wipe my butt

Shlat: cool see ya

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