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3rd POV
Aego: it's been quiet, anyone know how my dad put up with this?
Blake: I don't know, remember there was a ten year gap between Ruby and Y/N's reunion.
Aego: never spoke to me about what he does, no lie, I'm getting bored of not being able to hit something.
Emilia: why do you boys just want to hit something?
Aego: because it's fun, no other reason for it.
Emilia: I see.
The sounds of a scroll rang and Blake pulled it out.
Blake: hey Mom!
Kali: Blake! It's terrible! There's a giant bug thing near Menagerie, it's apparently scra-
The call went silent as everyone looked at eachother.
Aego: well....looks like I'm heading to Menagerie, thank you for the Bacon Yang.
Aego walked out of the house before letting out a massive burp.
Aego: ooooh, it was one of those spicy ones that slightly hurt the throat!
Emilia: disgusting.
Aego dives into the ocean and transformed, his dorsal plates gliding across the top of the water and heading into the direction of Menagerie.
Weiss: I hope he ate enough.
Sun: you all are a mother figure to him, all worrying's cute no lie.
Blake: maybe if you can give me a kid I can be cute all the time!
A 200 foot kaiju landed behind Menagerie as is roared out and looked at the running Faunus.

Blake: maybe if you can give me a kid I can be cute all the time!Yang: HAHAHAHA!MeanwhileA 200 foot kaiju landed behind Menagerie as is roared out and looked at the running Faunus

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The creature slammed its right claw on the ground, sending off a massive emp wave, putting the entire town in the dark.
An elder Ghira hugged Kali as the massive kaiju walked towards the town. Menagerie had nothing to defend itself with. The town of Menagerie then began to flood along the streets, tripping a few of the Faunus that were running from the the kaiju. The fish like Faunus swam out of the way as a massive claw reached up from the ocean and grabbed the coastline.
The winged kaiju looked over at the ocean as it let out a roar, spreading its wings. Dorsal plates rose up from the ocean as Godzilla snorted out as it finally stood up to stand toe to toe with its new enemy. Godzilla took a deep breath in and let out a massive roar, shattering the windows around the town.

 Godzilla took a deep breath in and let out a massive roar, shattering the windows around the town

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The kaiju spread its wings as it began to hover in place before flying over to Godzilla.  It used its claws and stabbed into both of Godzilla's shoulders, bringing the 119 meter Titan to the ground. Godzilla turned its head to bite down on the left arm of the Kaiju, swung it around and put it to the ground. Godzilla went to step on the kaiju only for it to roll out of the way and slash at Godzilla's chest, causing a quick splash of blood to fly out.
Godzilla roared out in pain as it took a few steps backwards.
Everyone watched on the tv as Godzilla and the kaiju fought in the town.
Yang: they are really duking it out huh?
Blake: he learned a lot from his father, but don't forget we helped out with that as well.
Weiss: this kaiju is smaller than him, but it's quicker than him.
Daniel: didn't this one help in the battle of the Gods?
Yang: yep, though he wasn't in this form, his original form looked more like an iguana, very nimble too.
Sun: then what happened?
Blake: he absorbed a lot of radiation from the Meltdown site, we had to walk by him because he absorbed it.
Weiss: then he transformed and boom....he's massive and looking a lot more like his father.
The kaiju flew off as Godzilla looked at it and roared before walked to the side of the village and slowly entering the ocean.

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