Latrelle X Reader

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WARNING: This has abuse in it. If your not okay with that then skip this chapter.

Your Pov:
"Only eggs again?" Latrelle says while his glare lands on me. I freeze in fear. Just seeing him glare at me like that makes me think back to the time he first beat me half to death..

"Y/n!" He yelled. I knew he was getting high and drunk again. I heard him closing the front door. He was always drinking or smoking. I hoped secretly, that he would get liver damage already so he could die. But like my grandmother used to say," Hierva mala nunca muere." (Bad weeds never die) My grandmother was never wrong. My grandmother warned me about him, But I never listened, I was 'in love' with him at this time. My love made me blind. I was so blind i couldn't see Latrelle's true colors...

"Yes.. I haven't been a-" Latrelle slams his hands down on the table. An echo was heard throughout the house.

"Excuses..excuses. What have you done with the money I gave you?" He stands up and unbuckled his belt (I don't remember if he wore a belt.. if not let's pretend he did).

I swallow and take a few steps away from him. I bump into the couch causing me to stop and look at him.

"I-I had t-to pay t-the w-water—"


"That's pure and utter bullshit. You been out cheating on me? Been whoring around ain't ya?" He walks towards the fridge and grabs a beer..

He always deals with his problems by doing this. Whenever he drinks, his beatings get worse.

"Tell me what you did with the money!"


I cry out in pain. My forearms are burning as I'm trying to protect myself from the devil himself.

I used to be so in love with this guy. That turned out to be my worse nightmare. Look at where I am now,stuck with an abusive boyfriend who I now hate.

"I told you. I-I payed the water bill Latrelle." I say. Oh shit! I said his name he hates when I call him that.

He looked at me and laughed like a mad man. I just cry and slide myself down to the floor.

"You think this is a fucking game Y/n?! I think you forgot your place. I'll have to beat some sense into you."


I grab my bruised cheek. "Please stop.. I can't take anymore." I whisper. My stomach doesn't allow me to speak higher because of the beating I received yesterday from that monster who calls himself my boyfriend. "No.Not until you tell me the truth you worthless bitch!" He shouted then takes a swig of alcohol out of the bottle. He starts walking towards the corner the broom is.. My eyes widen. "I can not take another beating!" I think frantically. 

"No please don't" I try to shout. But that resulted in me shouting in pain as my stomach makes a tight squeeze..I think he may have broken my ribs. The beating from yesterday was a bad one. I couldn't take another one right after.. I have to do something. "I'll go find some find some food for you! But please don't hit me.." I plea slowly covering my already bruised abdomen. 

I was in so much pain. I don't think I could walk correctly.  He stops. He lets his bottle fall to the ground. The glass flying in all directions, scraping the skin on my legs. I whimper at the pain. But don't say anything or he might do something worse to me. 

"Do it quick. I'm hungry" He takes his wallet out and pulls out a 10 dollar bill. He throws it at me like I'm some kind of dog. Even dogs got treated better than I do. I slowly reach for the money. "This might be my chance to escape this cruel relationship.." I think to myself. But as soon as I reach for it he steps on my hand. I bite down a scream and tears keep trailing down my face. 

"You better not try anything funny, estupida perra ( you stupid bitch)." He then walks over to the couch and turns on the tv. "Hurry up!" He shouts. I try to stand up quickly. My abdomen reminding me that I still am in pain. I try to ignore it and make my way to the door. 

As soon as i shut the door behind me I run away thinking, "Goodbye forever, monster"  "Shoot.. What do I do now?" I whisper aloud. I have thought of escaping Latrelle for the longest time but never tried because he never let me leave and I was always scared of him. But finally I did It..What do I do now? I think and think. I had walked about 12 blocks away from the house. ( a/n I don't remember how far the Santos land and the Prophets are from each other.. for the sake of this imagine..Imagine its about 12 blocks..) My body hurt like hell.. like I just got ran over by a truck that weighed tons of weight. I was now in Santos territory..alone. I had nothing except the pain that said hi here and there. I sat down on the bench in the park and looked at the 10 dollar bill in my hand. 

"Not much,but it's something." I whisper. But i knew 10 dollars couldn't do much. So i folded the bill in half and put it in my bra. I still didn't know what to do. I could call someone for help. "The police station!" I thought.  Of course! I stand up, but I did it too quickly as I feel my stomach squeeze in agony. The pain was unbearable. I need a hospital. But i wonder how i am going to get there. The bus ticket would be way too expensive. I slowly walk to the board that has the map on it. The closest hospital is 48 miles away. I couldn't walk that..I'm in too much pain...

Out of the corner of my eye I saw movement. I turn my gaze and saw a man opening a store's door. He's opening the store. Maybe he has a phone i could use. I think happily. I braved myself for the pain that was coming up. As I walked towards the store my stomach decided to do a thunderstorm. I whimpered the whole way from the park to the store. I carefully raise my arm and entered the store and  was welcomed by the smell of coffee. 

It wasn't a store,it was a small but homelike coffee shop. The smell was unbelievable..mouth watering. It smelt delicious. I shook my head. I had to get the phone to call the police. I made my way to the front counter. I held onto my abdomen tighter as the pain became stronger than before. 

"Hello?" I say, with a hint of pain. I saw someone opening the door, so where was the person I saw. "Yes?" I hear a deep voice behind me say. I turn around and my eyes widen at who i see...


A/n: Sorry it took so long to get this out.. I have been so busy since school started back up and with band still going on with practice and the competitions. Also since im a junior i take behind the wheel so that's also a thing that takes up a lot of writing time. Thank you for reading. Hope you enjoyed.  Also, If you decided to read this after the warning I gave you in the beginning and were triggered by anything said.. I apologize. 

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