Chapter Two

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The tour around the dealership was both uncomfortable and awkward for both Lizzie and Robby. Few words were exchanged between the two and whenever Robby asked a question Lizzie's answer was short, concise and directly to the point. The red head seemed set on avoiding a conversation with the boy despite his several attempts to start one. Lizzie did feel  bad for Robby as she knew that she wasn't the most welcoming person  due to her shortage of social skills. Lizzie had few friends because of her lack of free time mainly due to her mothers insufficient care towards her and her sister. This meant that Lizzie often  had to care for her younger sister, sometimes for days on end. Balancing that as well as online classes and work often made it very difficult for Lizzie to go out with her friends. Not to mention her friends lack of knowledge when it came to her situation. They simply believed that Lizzie lived a very busy life full of obligations and hobbies. She knew that she should be able to tell her friends anything and that trust was vital in any kind of relationship, but how do you tell your friends that the reason you couldn't go to the mall was because you had  to care for your sister because your mother wouldn't? Lizzie had found herself in quite the predicament and she didn't know how to get herself out of it. "So are we the only teenagers who work here" said Robby after a few minutes of silence. "No there's another girl called Meghan." Replied Lizzie, with a quick glance in Robby's direction, his green eyes were locked on her wrist, or more precisely on her colourful beaded bracelet. "I didn't take you for the kind of girl who wears a lot of jewellery," he said with a small laugh. "I'm not, my little sister made it for me," she said with a laugh. "I was wondering what it would take for me to get you to  smile never mind laugh!" He commented with a small snicker. For a second Lizzie didn't quite know what to say. Should she be offended? Or should she laugh instead? "Well don't get used to it," she responded her voice showing how unsure she was of herself. Robby seemed to pick up on this fact and paused in front of a shiny red convertible. "I take it you don't have many friends," he commented casually, leaning against the hood to look at her. Even leaning Robby was taller than her. "It's not a bad thing!" She snapped defensively.
"I never said it was," he responded raising his hands in defence.
The couple fell into an awkward silence, as they both tried to think of something to say to break the uncomfortable atmosphere.
"LIZZIE!" Shouted Meghan whilst waving her hands in the air, and jumping in an attempt to catch her attention. She was stood on the side of the parking lot, and her fair blonde hair was in a mess due to her energetic jumping.
"Who is that?" Robby said, while laughing.
"That's Meghan, she's a little... eccentric."
"I can tell."
All conversation immediately seemed to stop once the two saw Meghan begin to run towards them. Robby chuckled as he saw Lizzie's face slowly turning red from embarrassment. "Oh god." She muttered to herself.
"Prepare yourself." She added to Robby as a warning.
The whirlwind had arrived, and nothing could have prepared Robby for his first meeting with Meghan.
"Lizzie, hi! Did you go to the meeting! Wait... of course you did, he's stood right next to you. I'm so forgetful! How are you by the way? I'm Meghan, and I work here too! What's your name?" She all but shouted. She was practically beaming and radiating happiness. Robby meanwhile was in shock. While Meghan seemed lovely, Robby couldn't get over the speed at which she spoke. His mind was reeling and it took everything in him to utter "I'm Robby".
"It's so nice to meet you! It will be nice to work with someone new! Any way I have to go, bye!" And as quickly as she came, she left. Lizzie who was used to Meghan by now, tried to stifle her laugh as she watched Robby slowly process what had just happened. The boy seemed so genuinely confused that Lizzie couldn't help but laugh. After a few seconds he finally seemed to gather some understanding of what had taken place during those few minutes. "You could of warned me" he remarked as he ran his hand through his hair. "I did," Lizzie laughed, leaning against the car as well. For the first time the two seemed comfortable in each other's presence, and although Lizzie wouldn't admit it, they both enjoyed the small amount of time together.
Maybe Lizzie would enjoy work a little more now.

Word count: 818

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