✖ Chaper 1 ✖

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Hello loves!! (*≧▽≦)

WARNING: This whole story will contain YAOI, BL, BOYXBOY!! That means that there will be two (or more (۶ꎁꈨ )۶ʸᵉᵃʰᵎ ) guys having romantic relationships!

{ Alec: Admin.. You're being awkward..

Oh stop it you ≖‿≖

Liam: ... }

Though this chapter DOESN'T have any of that there will eventually be! So be careful, if you don't like homosexual relationships or if you are unfamiliar with the subject I suggest you leave this page now!

To the rest of you: Enjoy reading !! *:.. o(≧▽≦)o ..:*

(Liam's POV.)


"Fuck you!" I shouted to the workers who tied my wrists and ankles to the hospital bed. It wasn't my fault that my big brother got stabbed. She told me to do it. Why wouldn't they see her just like I did? She was leaning against one of the walls laughing at me. I desperately tried to get free but the workers were already pulling the hospital bed away to my new home for the next months. I couldn't believe this. Why did she have to come back? Everything was finally getting better. Tears were flowing down my cheeks and my body was shaking in total anger. It was all her fault.

We were having dinner. I had noticed that she had been around a lot lately but I tried not to care. Since I seemed to be the only one seeing her. She came up to me, touching my body and bending down so that her head was in the same height as mine.

"You have been ignoring me a lot lately, I do not enjoy it" She whispered into my ear, causing my body to shiver. My mom looked over at me with a worried expression but nothing more than that. She walked over to my brother, who was talking to my dad about the football game that was on television just minutes ago.

"Stab him Liam" she said and caressed my brothers cheek. He didn't notice her.

"No" I told her and shook my head. My dad glanced over at me and scratched his chin before once again looking at my brother.

"But he's trying to steal your attention" she moaned as she started to touch his chest and toned arms. "So soft!" she said with a big smirk on her face.

"Stop that!" I said sternly which made my brother stop talking and look over at me.

"Is everything okay Liam?" he said and reached for me with his hand.

"STAB HIM!!" she shouted "STAB HIM STAB HIM STAB HIM" a scream so loud that my ears hurt came out from her mouth. "STAB HIM!" I cried out in pain and reched for my fork. "DO IT LIAM!" she screamed. And with that I stabbed my brother.

My doctor, Dr.Toddrick came into the room I stayed in with a clipboard in one of his hands and a pen in the other.

"I see you've had a lot of trouble with the watcher, as you call her" he said and sat down on one of the chairs. I nodded and pulled my knees up to my chin and hugged them. That was her name after all, I thought to myself and started to nervously scratch my legs. She was still here, sitting in the corner with one of the others. One of those who no one else could see. They were everywhere. I let out a soft whimper.

"Is she here right now Liam?" he said with a serious look on his face. I opened my mouth but as soon as I was about to answer the question truthfully she appeard in front of me shaking her head violently. Her eyes were burning, and I knew that if I told him the truth she wouldn't go easy on me.

"No" I said quickly and shook my head. The doctor nodded and wrote something on his paper as the other one, Pain , was appearing next to her. Pain was one of the nicer ones that I had the chance to meet. He smiled playfully and jumped over to the doctor. He let his blue hair form a pair of glasses and put it infront of the doctors face, causing me to laugh silently. When I took my medicine properly I could only see three of the hundreds of creatures. Her, Pain and Lucy.

"Is any of the others here?" the doctor asked with a conserned expression on his face. Pain shook his head and put his index finger infront of his mouth.

"If the doctor gives Liam medicine we wont be able to play!" he said and started to stroll around. I shook my head again and looked at the doctors face to show him that my focus was on him and not somewhere else. The doctor nodded again and scratched his chin.

"If they are comming back you can always press the emergency button and we will give you medicine, okay?" he said. I nodded but in my head I was laughing. Did he actually think I was telling him the truth? When the doctor left I could see rats clinging to his clothes all over his back. I dropped my jaw but was unable to speak.

"Oh yeah, Liam" he said and truned around. "You will get to meet some new people tomorrow" he said and left the room. I stood up and walked over to the window, Pain leaning on me with a sigh.

"What a jerk!" he said and started to lightly pull my hair. I nodded as I looked at the people walking around outside. She was no longer here. It was only me, Pain and some of the other small creatures. Pain told me that they were called trash. Mainly because they were so tiny and only fed of the emotions of others. They usually stuck to the face of the person they were feeding of but when they weren't feeding they liked to stay in dark places, such as under my bed. I turned around to face Pain.

"Should we play?" I asked with a smile and grabbed his hand.


~ The next day ~ (Liam's POV.)

My doctor had taken me to a room with seven chairs placed in a circle. I was the only one except from the doctor who was in the room but soon enough some people came in and sat down on the chairs. All of them had trash all over. We all sat down and I noticed that one of the chairs were empty. The teacher began to introduce himself and explain what we were going to do today.

"First of all I want everyone to tell us what disease they've been diagnosed with, their name and tell us about their family members" everyone looked at eachother, I looked over at Pain who was looking at all the people, poking at the trash attached to each of them. Suddenly someone opened the door harshly, it was a guy with black hair and dark eyes, but his skin was pale as snow, he wore a tight t-shirt that exposed his toned chest and arms. But the thing that stood out on him was not his beauty, nor his apologizing smile, he had not a single trash on him.


How exciting!! ('')ノ゙

Sorry about the messy english in this chapter, I had a hard time focusing.. (((д;)))

Next chapter will probably be uploaded tomorrow or the day after! o(〃^▽^〃)o

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