✖ Chapter 2 ✖

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Chapter 2 has now arrived!! (≧▽≦)

Enjoy reading loves!!


This story contains a lot of violence and abuse. If youre not into or if youre unfamiliar with the genre I suggest you DON'T read this.

{ It's not THAT bad tho... >.> }


( Liam's POV.)

Wait.. He had no trash!? Not at all? The new guy sat down in the empty chair. Pain hissed at him and walked over to me.

"What's that, he seems too pure" He commented and walked over to the doctor again.

"Since you're late, David, why don't you start with telling us about your diagnosis and your family" David nodded and smiled.

"Hi everyone, I'm David, I've been diagnosed with severe depression and drastic personality changes" The group was now looking at him with excitement. "I don't really like to talk about my family and I don't live with them.. My mom is dead and my dad doesn't have a job at the moment" He tried to smile, but I could tell that it was fake. All of a sudden she was here again. She looked at David with a worried expression and then laughed.

"Oh my, what a cutie" she said seductively and smirked. Not again. I looked away. She laughed at me and I knew that she was touching him all over.

"Liam?" The doctor looked conserned.

"Oh uhm.. Hi everyone.." I gulped since I now had to look up at all the people and her. "I've been diagnosed with schizophrenia, which means that I can see and hear stuff that aren't there.." I looked at all the people, I looked at David. He smiled encouraging at me and I took a deep breath before I continued. "I live with my mom and dad and.." She screamed at me.

"YOU DON'T HAVE A BROTHER!!!" She came over to me, her eyes were burning, she was really mad. I pressed myself against the back of the chair.

"And uhm.. We live happily together in a beautiful house, I wanted to have a dog but.." my voice trails off. What the hell was I saying? Who cares about that anyway..

"Don't you want to tell us about your brother Liam?" she screamed again and walked over to the doctor, stabbing him with her nails causing him to bleed heavily from each wound.

"You.Have.No.Brother" she breathed out and looked over at me. "No.Brother." I shook my head.

"I-I don't have a brother" I said with a insecure voice. The doctor sighed.

"Your brother, Oliver?" she lost it. She came over to me and grabbed my hair. I screamed in pain.

"Get off of me!" She laughed as if I was stupid to even think about something like that. She took out a knife from her pocked and held it infront of my face.

"No.." I whispered with tears flowing down my face. She nodded with an evil grin and placed the knife on my arm.

"No I don't want to play with you!" I screamed and cried louder. Suddenly the doctor came up to me and shook my shoulders.

"Liam, calm down, there's nothing here, you're just imagining things" I sniffed and wiped my tears away. Great. Now I would be known as the freak. Again.

The doctor had sent someone to take care of me, I got medicine and soon enough everything seemed to disappear. The trash was gone. The first time I ever saw trash was on my mother. She had one in her face. At first I tried to stab it, I tried to save my mom from having her emotions taken away. But she thought I had gone insane and with that I had to stay my first week at the hospital. Only 11 years old. After I got my medicine I was taken away to lunch. I was sitting alone with one of my guards who was making sure that I didn't hurt anyone. Suddenly someone sat down in front of me. David.

"Are you feeling better now?" he said and smiled at me. I gulped and looked around, making sure that he wasn't talking to someone else. Turning my gaze back to him I nodded silently and shoved a spoon full of food in my mouth.

"That's good" he then said and started to eat his own food. I felt too awkward to say anything. "This is my fourth visit in the last two mounths" he said and looked up at me.

"I haven't been here for five weeks" I said with a sigh and looked down at my food.

"Oh I see, you come here often then?" He said and tried to sound interested.

"Yeah.. Five weeks is the longest I've been home so far.." I shoved another spoon of food in my mouth. I should shut up.

"Oh.." he says. Awkward. We ate the rest of the meal in silence. David and my guard exchanging a few words every now and then.

"Wanna take a walk with me?" David suddenly said and stood up. I looked at my guard and nodded. "Oh yeah, could we go alone?" he asked the guard. My guard nodded slowly and gave him an emergency button in case I would get violent. "Thank you!" he smiled and walked out of the hospital with me right behind him. We walked through the gardern on the back of the hospital. The sun was shining and caused me to squint my eyes.

"Must be tough.." he suddenly said and stopped.

"Huh?" I said and looked confused at him.

"The things your seeing are trying to hurt you, right?"

"It's not like that.." I said nervously. I absolutely did not want her to come here. "S-Some of them are nice.."

"Tell me about them" He said with a smile and sat down, he patted at the grass next to him, wanting me to sit down. Which I obviously did.

"There's trash, they usually leave me alone, and if they're on me I just stab them.." I scratched my arm nervously. "T-Then there's Pain"

"Pain? Are you hurt?" he said and grabbed my arm.

"No.. His name is Pain" I said and pulled my arm back, scared that he would see the scars covering them.

"Tell me more about him" he moved a bit closer.

"He has blue hair that can change shapes and black eyes, he's really thin and his arms are always full of cuts. He can fly too" I looked around, making sure he wasn't around. He wouldn't be happy if he knew I was talking about him behind his back.

"He can fly? That's awesome!" David said and giggled. "Tell me about the trash? You said you stab them if they're stuck on you?"

"Yeah, they attach themselves to a person and feed off of their emotions. But they leave me alone" David scratched his hair and looked up at the sky.

"Do I have any trash on me?" I shook my head.

"You're the only one.." I said and suddenly put my hand to my mouth. Pain was standing there. He didn't look amused. I gulped.

"David.. Could you take me inside?" David stood up quickly and and took my hand. Pain showed no signs of following.

"You're gonna play with me later Liam!" He then shouted after me and flew away.


Eeeeek! How exciting! Liam is having his first conversation with the mysterious David! Admin is excited!! (ノ≧∀≦)

{ Liam: Admin.. o.O

Pain: Oh let him be..

It's a fanboy thing, you guys wouldn't understand ()*:・゚ }

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