Chapter 15

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The walk through the forest was quiet. Destan, staying several paces behind his teammates, tried his best to focus on the soothing sounds of a sleeping nature, instead of the storm that hung ignored in the air. Rustling leaves, snapping twigs in the distance, the soft whistling of birds just starting to wake up, these were tranquil sounds. Destan suspected they were about to be disrupted by stomping feet, shouting voices and angry, crackling fire.

As they walked, he kept his painful arm pressed against his side. It felt a whole lot better than yesterday, but it still pounded with every step. He probably shouldn't use it too much yet. He'd have to work with his left arm today.

Elias seemed to be in a bad mood already, and they hadn't even talked about the plan yet. Aruna had probably come to see him this morning. Last night she'd promised Destan and Keara she'd talk to Elias, make sure he'd let Destan help out with the task. Make sure he'd stick to the plan. But Elias had made that promise before, and he had broken it. Would he do the same today?

There was a difference this time though, Destan thought as he stared at the backs of the two friends, walking a few feet apart, nothing but silence between them. Elias' fists were balled by his side, as if he struggled to suppress his powers and keep the fire in his hands. Keara kept her head still, never glancing over at her friend. For once her silver ponytail was not bobbing about.

Keara was the difference. Where last time she'd shared Elias' opinion of excluding Destan during the task, this time she was standing by Destan. Keara had changed her mind. Yet she still hadn't told Elias. What was she waiting for? Would she even tell him at all? Or would she just as easily change her mind again? They were getting closer and closer to town and she still hadn't said a word.

"So," said Elias when there was no ignoring it any longer. "We should probably talk about the plan."

Without slowing down, Keara shook her head, ponytail bouncing off her shoulders. "I don't think we do. Aruna created a strategy for us. All we need to do is stick to it."

Elias grabbed her arm and forced her to face him. Destan stopped walking so abruptly that the sudden movement hurt his ankle. He ignored it and stared at his teammates. There was nothing he could do to change the outcome of this conversation. It was on Keara now.

"Aruna included the outcast in her strategies," said Elias, talking about Destan as if he wasn't even there. "I say we change it."

Keara glanced at Destan and he held his breath as he watched her hesitate. "I don't know if you remember how badly we failed the last time we decided on our own plan," she snarled, "but I do. And I'm not planning on that happening again. So I say we do as she says."

Destan's heart jumped at her words, though he kept his face still. Smiling would only provoke Elias more.

Elias' face fell. "You have got to be kidding me! What, you like him now? Is that it?"

"His powers are useful," said Keara, choosing her words carefully. "He's our teammate."

"I never wanted him to be our teammate!" Elias raged. "And neither did you. I don't trust him."

"You don't have to trust him. Trust Aruna."

With that, Keara tore her arm free of Elias' grasp and continued on her path. Elias threw a furious glance at Destan, as if he had caused all this, and then followed after her. Letting go of the breath he'd been holding, Destan got his legs to move again as well. He knew from Elias' look that this wasn't over yet. The boy had too much fire to give in so easily.

It only took a minute before Destan turned out to be right.

"I'm not doing it," said Elias. "I'm not going with Aruna's plan. It will fail, can't you see that? Who knows what'll happen if we fail!"

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