Chapter 22

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"Keara..." His voice came out as barely more than a whisper.

"You killed my brother." The pain on her face was nothing compared to the anger in her voice.

"No! No, it's not like that..."

"You started this war. It's your fault he's dead!" she shouted through gritted teeth, her voice cracking. Her hands were balled by her side, as if she could lash out any minute.


His eyes tore away from the only friend he'd ever had, to meet his grandfather's.

"Come here."

Remus' voice was calm, but he radiated discontent, just like Keara. Destan wiped his sweaty palms on his trousers as he lowered his gaze. As much as he wanted to talk to Keara, to explain, he couldn't ignore a command from his Chief. He knew that following this command meant it was over. All of it. All his dreams for the future. Being part of the tribe was once again an unreachable goal. He should never have gotten his hopes up like that.

Slowly, step by step, Destan made his way through the crowd. They didn't even grant him the respect of keeping their voices down as they taunted and insulted him. He was an outcast already, and now he was believed to have started a war – the first war between tribe and Inops in a long, long time. They had no reason to keep their voices down.

His breathing scraped his throat as he stood in front of the Chief, his head down in shame. The crowd suddenly quieted, likely in response to a gesture from Remus. Still, the Chief stayed silent.


He flinched at the sound of his own name. When he finally managed to look up, he was met with the most disappointed look he'd ever seen on his grandfather's face.

"Follow me."

The Chief turned around and opened the door to his home, stepping aside to let Destan pass. His legs trembled as he entered the door at the far end. A soft, burgundy carpet covered the floor. A chandelier lit up the entire living room, while portraits and paintings graced the walls. The room looked warm and welcoming, a sharp contrast to how Destan currently felt.

After the door shut behind him, Remus stayed silent, staring at his grandson. Destan hardly dared to breathe, afraid it would set his Chief off. He glanced at uncle Lys, who had positioned himself in a corner of the room. Close, but out of the way.

"I am your grandfather," said Remus gravely. "I take no pleasure in doing something that will hurt you. You're my family, Destan. Despite all the things you've done." He closed his eyes. Destan knew what he was thinking; first his son, now his tribe. "But first and foremost, I am the Chief of this tribe. I have to do what's best for the tribe, not what's best for my family."

Destan opened his mouth to say he understood, but couldn't get the words to come out. He nodded instead, but Remus still had his eyes shut. When he opened them, Destan was too terrified to move. He knew what was coming.

Remus let out a deep sigh. "Tell me what happened."

What happened? He couldn't possibly tell his Chief all that had happened! He shuddered even thinking about it. All that had happened with Julia... He'd be in even more trouble than he already was. He'd be doomed for sure.

Destan glanced over at uncle Lys, standing in the corner with his arms crossed. He nodded.

He nodded? Did uncle Lys want him to tell Remus everything? He glanced back at Lys once more, who gave him an encouraging look. Was that for the best then? Lys had always been a good advisor to the Chief... If he said it was the right thing to do, that must be true.

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