The Captain's Den

100 4 1

09:34 AM, Local Time

Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of the Congo

May, 2018

It was just a couple of days later before Ray was called in for his second mission. It was abrupt and direct when the Embassy called him while he was in bed during the morning. After their usual process; debrief, preparation and a flight in the C130 the night before, he and the team arrived at their destination for their mission. From what Ray's heard, the team were in a town near Kinshasa to scout out their target who is a leader of a militia that runs this town.

The team positioned themselves at an abandoned warehouse built on the hills, 100 meters away from the bustling town. Their target was at a large, heavily guarded mansion placed in the middle of the town. Armed trigger-happy men with standard weaponry were found patrolling the mansion's gate and the yards. Everybody else that wasn't busy other than Reaper and McCree sat back and waited while some made some double checks with their guns to pass the time. Others did what they usually did.

"I bet he's feelin' real comfy living down there." McCree muttered, holding the SOFLAM which was attached to a tripod along with a laser directed at the mansion.

"For a tyrannical nut job, he sure does like to hide behind innocent people." Reaper replied.

"Least the blast radius ain't near anybody, from what I can see."

And he was right. There didn't seem to be any sight of civilians, other than buildings that were around the mansion.

"Shadow 1, this is Pinball. Closing in on target. ETA one minute, over." The drone pilot tasked in bombing the mansion said as if he was on a rush.

Reaper lowered the binoculars he was using. "Copy. Target's still inbound, out."

While the two kept watch, Ray wasn't that enthusiastic of the current plan.

"I don't understand," he said. "Why can't we just go in there and take him out right now? Would save us a lot of time."

"Orders. That's why." Reaper answered.

"And we're just gonna let these video gamers drop a bomb from a drone when there's a possibility the target could still be alive?"

"Don't be an idiot, rookie," Sombra snapped. "The reason we're not down there is because we weren't told to go down there."

Shortly, Reaper caught sight of a small missile from the sky, descending through the clouds and targeting right at the mansion. Not a second later, the missile landed on the mansion and everything went loud. The blast erupted and large puffs of smoke covered the mansion and around it. The shockwave radius reached the town but it wasn't enough to hurt anybody. Nobody was guaranteed to survive such blast inside.

"Pinball, this is Shadow 1," Reaper said. "Strike on target successful. I repeat, strike on target successful, over."

"Copy, Shadow 1," Pinball replied. "Drone's pulling out."

His communication with Pinball cut off. Reaper placed the binoculars and his HK416 into his gobag and got up.

"Alright team, pack it up. We're leaving." Reaper ordered.

The team started to gather their belongings while McCree disassembled the SOFLAM. As the team packed their things, Ray looked over to the window where the smoke made itself the spot of attraction. He still felt that uneasiness tingle his body. Ray still thought they should've just busted into the mansion and take everybody out. That would've saved plenty of time instead of sitting at the back and watching drones do the job. But if he had a say, he would take it up to the chairpersons. And it was not easy to chat with the tops about his complaints.

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