1. Intro II

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The kingdom of Goguryeo is the richest kingdom of all in the land.

For centuries, the Kim family have ruled and kept the walls of the ancient city protected from the evil that roamed the plains. They kept the kingdom and their walls to their people only, allowing no other kingdoms to enter or bargain except for the city of Gyeonju, who is runned by the Park Family.

The Park family has ruled the neighboring kingdom Gyeonju for centuries, and became good friends with the Kim Family based off of similar ruling systems. Because of this, they built loyalty and trust to protect each other. The have fought together in wars and often the two cities celebrated their victories together. The two kings of these brilliant kingdoms were the best of allies.

That is until one crisp fall night...

Thieves and bandits from the kingdom of Gyeonju broke into the once secured walls of Goguryeo, stealing all the goods and killing anyone who stepped in their way of getting what they wanted...which threw the Kim family off. This is unlike the kingdom of Gyeonju to do, and their motive for the attack is unclear.

The royal Kim Family feel absolutely hurt from the betrayal. The secrets they have trusted with their so called allies leave them with rage and revenge to boil in their blood.

Screams of bloody murder and cries for help filled the once peaceful air of the beautiful kingdom of Goguryeo. Armies of soldiers go out to fight in combat to defend the land and the people, including the king himself.

His eldest son, Prince Kim Taehyung, begs his father to not go out and fight, but his argument is shut down as his father feels it's only right to get his revenge on one person...Park Jooheon: the king and ruler of the Gyeonju Kingdom. The betrayal hurts his father deeply, and wants to end Jooheon himself for what he did to his once peaceful and safe community.

The king orders Taehyung to stay safe at the highest point of the castle and to protect his mother and younger siblings and to take action only to defend his family if needed. And in a blink of an eye, his father is gone.

Taehyung watches from the balcony in horror the home he grew up in, a kingdom that only knew love and strength, get thrown into flames and painted in blood as he holds his mother who is uncontrollably sobbing. How could this happen? Why would they do this to his home? Especially from people that his family trusted?

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