Destructive Beauty

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With eyes like glaciers it was I who had become completely enchanted amongst the depths of you

I think it was those rose petal lips or the sweet melodic symphony of your laugh that had captured my attention

Or perhaps it was the way you moved, oh darling, with such grace and poise it was as if the world was moving with you

Holding its breath at the very sight as if itself were afraid of you disappearing if it had missed even a single moment

Then you smiled, and it was like the light of the stars themselves had been born amongst your gums and shone through the bridge of your lips

Ignoring nirvana within the heat of my breath and birthing stardust upon the crevices of my lungs, next to all of the beautiful words that had been trapped there from winters warred past

But none of that compared to the moment our lips met, your small gentle hands slowly came to grasp the curvature of my chin while mine became lost within your alabaster ocean

Oh how my hands could roam there forever, for as of the ocean, never would the same wave pass twice which has always kept me bewildered in your presence

The way you could wear such scars and pain like a crown upon your golden head, even your heart pulsates with liquid passion as it fueled the very light id come to cherish so

Though such beauty comes with a cost, as everything does

If only my gaze had been upon the stars, as they always had been

Perhaps I would have seen the tsunami forming upon your horizon

Maybe then i would have been able to do something, anything

But that's the point of being lost

You haven't the slightest clue how to leave

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