Brazen Anomaly

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I awake to mornings haze dictating the drifting of my conscious to and fro illusion and what we deem reality

My lungs, they ache from pernicious smothering induced by blackened desires masquerading in the form of sovereignty and complacency

My throat feels raw from dreams having seemed to pass, along with the aforementioned stagnant presence of smoke amidst the atmosphere which has always left me feeling desperate to breathe

Breathe, I suppose that exactly what it is that I desire

Normally it's to satiate the pit that had somehow manifested in venturing night and now taken refuge where my stomach had once been

But no, not today

This morning my very veins ache for something else, something more, anything but this

So with accrued strength born from hastily crafted hope, I take my stand and, with water bottle in hand, I open the door to my refuge

The moment the crisp morning air grazes the edge of my skin, goosebumps ricochet throughout my body and ignite a new sense deep within me

Suddenly I'm famished, more thirsty than ever before though what for I am still uncertain

Such hesitation is fleeting along with any desire to stay so with that I step out into the cool crisp atmosphere and allow its earthy scent to wash over me like a gentle spring rain which immerses me in a moment of absolute relief and somehow yearning

As I commence what has become somewhat of a ritualistic routine, I can feel the suns gaze pierce through the clouds and trail golden kisses along my skin in a beautiful mosaic that has always reminded me of both passion and dedication alike

For a moment I shift my eyes and stare directly at him, " Hello dear friend," the heartfelt words spill from my lips upon my tongues demand long before I have a chance to make up my mind so I just smile and continue my walk

Along the way that feeling finds me again, the feeling, that yearning, though this time I know exactly what it is that my heart seeks so

That in which the breath from my very lungs bends in demand for while my mind relapses daydream after daydream of, such occurrence seems simple yet I know it is anything but as life never is quite so

Recognition seems to steal my focus as sapphire butterflies erupt from their cocoons within my stomach and perch themselves along every nerve of my body; leaving my blood to set alight with energy and my heart to race in anticipation

While immersion may have been mine for a fleeting moment, reality crashes down upon me and with it the first drops of rain that day

When the first drops collided with the edges of my skin I find myself looking upward, toward the origin of what to most would have been a simple matter of nature, or maybe even a nuisance in their already busy day, but not to me, no

For me this is precisely what it is that I have desired so, to be cleansed, encompassed, and left utterly breathless

So with that I begin to dance

Throwing my body in a seemingly arbitrary form as the rest of the world slowly melts away into a cacophony of colors and noise; I feel myself grow lighter with each synchronized movement

Too most I would appear delusional, or crazy even, though I know such is an absolute necessity as I need to breathe

I crave it so

It is only when my body is dripping from every surface and my form feels indistinguishable from the rain do I myself stop

My cheeks pulsate with the passion that momentarily seized control of my limbs, exerting unfamiliar yet entirely welcome force

As for my yearning, it is still there, though much more subtle just like the sun and it's piercing gaze through the clouds at momentary advance

In realization I throw my head back and laugh as though I was mad, perhaps I am, or perhaps it is the rest of the world that is sick

I suppose such an inquiry is only natural for an anomaly, as I've come to realize that it what I am

An abnormality, a glitch within the matrix, a rainbow at night, or even a solitary star in a lonely night sky, I am an anomaly

And I couldn't be more proud of it

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