Chapter 1

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Authors Note: Characters are older in this AU.

Chapter 1

Harry, the thought to be the vanquisher of He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named, the only survivor of the killing curse, The-Boy-Who-Lived among other names, was left on the doorstep of the Dursley's with no witnesses to see.

However, during that night, the professors of Hogwarts were not the only suspicious characters on Privet Drive.

Mere minutes after their departure a shadowy cloaked figure came gliding down the street.

It made quick work of the protective wards before very carefully scooping up the infant.

Little Harry remained asleep as he was safely secured into the arms of the unknown person.

Before the two could make their leave, three pops sounded the entrance of one Filius Flitwik, Minerva McGonagall and Albus Dumbledore.

They halted any further movement upon seeing the sight in front of them.

"I figured there were alarms on those wards. I, however, did not expect both the dueling champion, ex Auror and partial master of death all at once" the cloaked man spoke with a certain apprehension.

"Put the child down safely and let's talk. Voldemort is gone you have no reason to..." Albus started but was caught off.

"You think I work him!? No, I wish no harm on this child. I will ensure this child's safety and will make sure he never sees the detestable creatures whose hatred for our kind runs in their blood" he spoke venomously.

"The boy must be protected and out of the view of society or else he will possibly grow up to be the next..." Albus tried again.

"You're so stupid and naive. You are looking 20 steps into the future and fail to see what's in front of you! How you got that wand is beyond me. There are many and much better ways to ensure his safety and privacy then leaving him here. This could be the most half-cocked plan I ever heard of old man!"

"You shall show respect to the greatest wizard of our time" declared Filius wand drawn.

"Hold your wand Fili!" exclaimed McGonagall to the taken aback man who became slightly embarrassed at his outburst.

"Come now. We both wish this boy safety... let us team-up...There is nowhere for you to go...dare I say you cannot best us all" Dumbledore tried.

"Ha, I'd be lucky if I could take one of you down...But I do not need to beat you to stop you!" he exclaimed.

With a sudden movement, three chains shot out of his cloak, each with a kunai at the ends.

The trio tried to shield with magic but the chains went right through them, wrapping around their bodies and causing them to drop to the ground.

They tried all the spells in their arsenals, but the chains would give no leeway.

The chains appeared to be full of runes and were unbreakable by mere magic along.

"I shall now take my leave" the man laughed.

In the next moment, he threw down a tiny black ball that erupted in smoke letting him vanish into nothingness.

After an initial attempt to escape their confines, McGonagall fired a blasting curse at the streets.

She transfigured the ruble into a bolt and chain cutter which she used to free herself.

"Magic cannot penetrate these chains but simple muggle tools can. If I wasn't so infuriated I would complement his creativeness" McGonagall exclaimed freeing Filius and Albus.

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