Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

Blaise gives me a watchful eye as he continues on back with his breakfast while Draco and Theo share a questioning look.

"What has got you so happy this morning? Were you on a secret date that you aren't telling us about?" Tracey asks me with a wicked smile before she looks at Daphne.

What is she talking about it?

"Stop being foolish. I told you that I was going to meet with my sister...which I honestly kind of regret. Stori can go on and on about gossip" Daphne replies, her sister seems to be the exact opposite of her in some ways. Interesting...

I still decided to have my fun with her. I am in a good mood after all. "Daphne it is time to come clean" I start as she looks at me with a questioning and warning look.

"I will not keep this part of our lives concealed from our friends...Yes it's true, Daphne and I had a wonderful time together yesterday" I see her about to say something but interrupt "It's okay Daphne. There is no need to cover it up. We need to be honest and open about what we have"

I can see the anger in her eyes as she reaches for her wand while everyone else is trying not to laugh, including some other snakes at our table who are listening in.

This my cue to hit two birds with one stone. I'll take it easy on her for today, my mood is making me a softy.

"I am only joking. I am sure your time with your sister was more than pleasant. I, on the other hand, had a date with a... rather...feisty lady...if you catch my drift" I tell them and wait for the reaction.

Daphne looked relieved and then at the mention of the 'feisty lady' almost dropped her wand. She, like everyone else, thinks I am talking about Bellatrix. Which is what I want them to think...Only I will know that I mean Cassie.

Tracey's fork drops in her plate before she quickly picks it up. My roommates are not fazed, but the other students make slight fearful facial expressions before going back to their meals and trying not to look in our direction.

There is no better feeling like that of having power. No wonder why people will do anything to hold onto it. However, I need to take Hanzi's, the vampire, advice to heart. I can't let this feeling get in the way of my destiny.

"So to answer your question, that is why I am so happy this morning miss Davis" I chuckle. Tracey just gives me a light smile. I don't think she knows what to say, but she is probably really glad she came to offer an alliance early on in this game.

"So Draco, you ready for practice come tomorrow? You are competing against 5 other people" I ask him, changing topics. He immediately replies in his boastful attitude as talk goes into practice on both the new and Triwizard tournaments.

We are not the only ones who are interested in the upcoming tournaments. I hear as much when we head back from lunch. I touch the stud on my ear to listen in about the group in front of us.

"The system is rigged! I am telling you. My brothers got Oliver to vote against me and Flint is an idiot. Roger has no clue what he is doing. We are going to come in last place" Ron tells his fellow Lion peers.

"I am not sure about that Ron" Dean interjects.

"Yeah mate, I am not sure about Flint, but Davies seems like a pretty smart guy" Neville adds.

"And I don't think your brothers have that much sway on Wood. Besides, we all know Oliver would love to have as many Lions on the team as sure this has nothing to do with you not making it?" asks Seamus.

"Don't be ridiculous. Me not on the team only proves my point that the picks were wrong and the choices they made were a mistake, especially the Leads" the youngest Weasley defends.

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