Chapter 2

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After a long, stressful morning of calls back to back the whole firehouse was finally gathered around the kitchen table enjoying a long overdue lunch.

"Hey Brett, that last guy we pulled out of the car asked me and Otis if you were single?" Cruz playfully called out, as he and Mouch began for a skillful game of chess.

"Oh, yeah" Whispered Brett apprehensively.

"Yeah, you should go down to Med and get his number, Brett," Otis interjected with a mouth full of his turkey club.

"Eh, I don't know guys. I'm okay with how everything's going right now." Replied Brett giving a careful side glance to Casey.

Casey looked up from his newspaper and smirked, causing Brett to let out a slight giggle that would have been noticed by everyone; had Mouch not screamed out like a petulant three-year-old having a tantrum after losing yet another game of chess to Cruz.


Brett and Foster jumped up from the kitchen table and ran to the ambo with speed so fast that the rest of the house looked around and barely missed them as they whirled out the door and into the garage. Casey watched Brett run out of the kitchen and into the ambo, silently hoping that all would be well with this call and that she would be right back here in no time.

"Why have I gotten so protective over her lately?" He asked himself.

"It's her job, she knows what to do. Right? Is this how she feels every time I run into a burning building? Does this mean I...I love her?" He asked over and over again in his head.

"I mean we haven't really said "I love you" yet. Does she feel the same?" He silently thought.

"Hey, Casey you okay?" Asked Severide, Causing Casey to snap out of what seemed like an internal question comma.

"Yeah, yeah I'm good. Just thinking."

"Well don't think too hard." Severide threw out.

"Oh, come on!" Squalled Mouch, after losing what seemed like the thousandth game of chess. The room erupted with laughter at this.

Outside the house, unbeknownst to all inside, the sky started to pull together a mix of white and greys and lightly sprinkled all the light touched with white flakes of perfection. Snow, it's perfect. Right?

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