Chapter Forty Seven- Brandon

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"Wow." Sadie let out a sigh of relief when we walked inside the penthouse. "It feels like months since I've been here."

I set her bag next to the door and turned toward her, grabbing her hips. "Well, I'd be happy to help jog your memory if you've forgotten how much fun we've had here since you've been back."

"Oh yeah?" She giggled playfully and leaned forward until her lips gently brushed against my neck. It sent absolute chills down my spine, awakening a fire inside of me that had been neglected the last few weeks, and catching me completely off guard. "What exactly did you have in mind?"

I couldn't hide the smirk that spread on my face. "Sadie, I want nothing more than to take you back to our bedroom and lay you back on our bed and make love to you until you." Her cheeks turned crimson. "But I'm your husband now, and my job is to make sure you're taking care of yourself. So first dinner, and then sex."

"You drive a hard bargain, husband." She pretended to pout. "Although I am interested in the fact that you're going to make dinner... Have you suddenly learned how to cook?"

"God, no." I burst out laughing. "But I can order a mean take out. What sounds good? Thai? Pizza? Sandwiches?"

"Pizza sounds great!" Sadie said.

"Perfect. I'll order from Virgilio's. Why don't you go take a bubble bath and try to relax while we wait?"

"Sounds great." She kissed my cheek. "I'll see you soon."

Sadie went into the bedroom and I headed into my office for the first time in what felt like an eternity. Work had been the furthest thing from my mind, but now that things were settling down, I couldn't ignore it any longer. Especially the fact that Dante and Herrera were still locked up at my parents' estate. They needed to be dealt with swiftly and forcefully. 

I had had plenty of time to think about who I wanted to start with, the unimaginable things I wanted to do to them. All of the ways I would make them pay for laying a finger on Sadie. She almost didn't come home to me, and even though she had, I knew she'd be reeling from the effects for years to come. She was trying to put on a tough front, but I knew deep down, this had really scarred her. How could it not? The man had tortured her for days and then buried her alive. I couldn't imagine what had gone on in her mind and the pain she must have been in. I was going to give her some time to settle in, but after a few weeks, she needed to talk with a therapist. I'd make any of my men talk with someone after going through what she did, and my wife would be no different.

With Herrera locked up, we still weren't completely out of the woods. As best as I had tried to keep Sadie's kidnapping under wraps, the cops had caught wind of it and were now looking for him. That was even more reason that I needed to take care of him quickly. By the time I was done, not a single shred of his remains would be found. Torturing and killing other men came with the job, but it had always been a little difficult for me to stomach. It was part of the job that I hated the very most, but in this case, I was looking forward to it. In fact, I was fucking excited.

And on the business side of things, I couldn't be too cautious. There would be some serious restructuring after losing Dante, and I already had Alex working to vet all of our guys again. Nothing like this could ever happen again. We were lucky this time, but that wouldn't always be the case.

The doorbell rang, and caught me a little bit off guard. I hadn't even ordered the pizza yet and we weren't expecting anyone. Visitors had to be let in by security and I hadn't gotten any calls. I was probably just paranoid, but everything the last few weeks had me on edge, so I hurried out of my office and into the living room.

"Do you want me to get it?" Sadie peaked her head out of the bedroom.

"I've got it, babe." I gave her a tight smile, hoping she didn't see me resting my hand on the gun in my waistband as a precaution.

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