Chapter Fifty Two- Sadie

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"Vitals look strong and everything seems stable." The nurse said. "I'll go run your bloodworm and let Dr. Bennett know that you're ready for the ultrasound." She stood up and hurried out of the room, no doubt detecting the tension that hung in the air.

I felt completely fine, and thought this trip was a total waste of time, but Brandon had insisted. After the incident last night, he wanted to be sure everything was okay with the baby and I was in no position to fight him on it. I knew he was still upset with me, and I didn't want to rock the boat anymore.

We'd gotten home from his parents and I was in shell shock. Everything that had happened had overwhelmed my mind to the point where I was just going through the motions, numb to everything around me. Brandon had drawn me a bubble bath and I must have sat in there for hours, contemplating what I had just done. He'd come in a few times to check on me and to make sure I hadn't drowned, but to his credit, he was doing the best he could to give me space.

I had almost killed a man. I had stolen a gun, snuck down into the tombs, and had every intention of putting a bullet into the man who had tormented me for the last several months. The one who had killed my parents, nearly killed my brother and left me for dead in a shallow, muddy grave. The one who had been determined to take Brandon and his family down, no matter the cost, and had tried to use me in his game to do so. Even sitting here now, a small part of me wished I hadn't been such a coward. That I had pulled the trigger immediately and shot him before Brandon even had a chance to get down there. But it was the more logical side of me that knew that Brandon had saved me once again. He'd rushed in just in the knick of time to save me from making a mistake that would haunt me the rest of my life. It made me nauseous to think how close I had come to taking someone's life, and the fact that that person deserved that and worse, didn't make it any easier to stomach.

Seeing Herrera one last time hadn't exactly made me feel better, but I wasn't sure anything really would except for time. Nothing would change what he did, or what I and my family had gone through because of him. And hearing those words out of his mouth, admitting to it all had been like a shot to the chest. Like his one final admission put the final nail in the coffin and I had gotten at least a little bit of closure. I knew I needed to hear it from Herrera himself, but Brandon would never see it that way. We needed to talk, but neither one of us wanted to be the first one to say it. Right now, we were pussy-footing around it, just talking about the bare necessities.

I glanced over at him typing away at his phone. He was distracted, and avoiding the impending conversation we both knew was coming.

"Do you feel better now?" I asked softly, reaching for his hand. I hated any tension between us, and even more so since I caused it. I knew that I had done what I needed to for my own self, but I did regret not talking to Brandon about it before. He would have tried to stop me, but at least he would have known about it.

Brandon shrugged, taking my hand in his. He was softening a little bit, but not quite enough. "I'll feel better once Dr. Bennett does the ultrasound and I can see the baby on the screen."

I hesitated, debating whether or not I should open the can of worms. The tension was killing me though, and I knew if we didn't talk about it soon, I might explode. "How long are you going to be upset with me?" I asked with a heavy sigh.

Brandon frowned, setting his phone over on the end table next to the bed. "I'm not upset with you, Sadie. I'm more... frustrated I guess."

"Frustrated with me?" I clarified.

Brandon shook his head. "With myself."

I let out a sharp laugh. "What could you possibly be frustrated with yourself about?"

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