BONUS CHAPTER! (Aubrey's Letter to her Mom)

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What? What is this Morgan? A bonus chapter? What is that?!

Well my darling cupcakes a bonus chapter is when Morgan feels like an ass for not updating so she writes you like 100 words makes it interesting and calls it a chapter!








Okay here it is..... This is from Chapter 18 when she wrote her Mom the letter.

This is Aubrey's letter to her Mom.


Dear Mom,

A lot has happened, trust me I know. And I know you are sad and mad at me, but I want you to know something.

I love you.

(I am sorry if that ripped your heart to shreds but Mom I am trying here. I am.)

You are the best Mom a girl could wish for.

I know the FBI has told you I'm alive, but things have happened. I have changed in ways that I can't describe even if I wanted to. For my safety but also (and mostly) for yours.

So, I ask you to please not come look for me. I know I am your daughter an only child, but understand that this is for the best,and know I am so sorry that you got the raw end of the deal here by losing your daughter and getting a shitty (mind my language, sorry this is pen) letter but know I'm fine.

I have someone who takes care of me. I'm not replacing you as a other trust me I couldn't ever do that, but I wanted you to know that someone is looking out for me.

This is hard, and I don't want you to feel like I 'ran away' because I wasn't people drove me away, and it wasn't you at all. It was evil people and that is all I can say on the subject, no matter how much I wish I could tell you/

But I can't.

So Mom. I guess this is my goodbye and farewell letter.

And do another favor for me would you?

Move on.

You don't have to forget about me, though if you wish to it's fine, I just want you to move on.

Move on, have another child, raise them, and grow old with them and you grandchildren and their children.

You have a long life.

Don't let mine interfere with it.

I love you, mom, and I wish you the best.

Because that is what you deserve.

The best and more.

With loving care and compassion.

Your daughter,


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