Welcome the 3rd Sequal of TAG

37 3 21

Tagged by StateHumansTexas Oh blin here we go again.

1. "Last Thing Watched On Netflix"

Apparently it was Casper, blin. I watched it with my cuz.

2. Height

About 5' 7 or 8" so like 1.702 meters or 1.727 meters.

3."Last Song listened too"

Narkobaroni by XS Project (Yes hard bass)

4. "Prefer Cats or Dogs?"

Dogs. Why? Cuz I have a dog and she's the most cutest thing in the world. I've been teaching her some Russian kinda.

5. "Zodiac Sign"

Alright if I leave this blank?

6. "Worst Fear"

Uh well everyone leaves me. Cuz then I'll do things I don't wanna say. And not being able to protect the people I love and care about.

7. "Relationship Status"

Single hehe I'm a single Pringle.

8. "Favorite Band"

*looks in bandito*
I know all the words to Car Radio. Yes Twenty Øne Piløts ||-//

9. "One thing you can't live without"

The feeling that I protect. That I'm doing something good.

Tag? Alright you guys don't have to do it.


Only doing 10 cuz not everyone likes tags. Извини if you don't.

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