Chapter 8 The Plan

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Frank and Snow had decided that it was best to not go back to school after their second talk, so they went once again to their clique's new hangout – the old hut in thewoods. Ever since they arrived Snow was running in circles around the fireplace they relit, her face looked a bit panicked and she muttered to herself. Frank was sitting on the carpet infront of the fire, becoming more annoyed by every lap she walked. „For fucks sake what are you doing?" Snow stopped dead in her tracks, a look of horrorin her eyes as she stared at Frank „Dad's going to kill me. I never skipped school." Frank groaned „You're a nerd, one day won't hurt you." He reached for her arm and pulled her down to him, forcingher to sit on his lap. „Besides, you could spent your time off better than worring about school or your Dad.", he added, amischievous look on his face. „Oh spare me!", she said as she playfully pushed Frank's face away, who puckered his lips and tried to kiss her cheek. „Come on babe, you're just too cute. Let me hav-", their play got interrupted as the door swung open and Julie, followed by Suzie and Joey entered. Snow's reflexes kicked in and she wanted to jump up but Frank wrapped his left arm around her waist andheld her in place. He enjoyed showing his possessions off and his girlfriend was one of it. Another bonus was to be able to see herblushing face, the way she tried to shrink and hide, embarrassed ofthe situation she was in right now. He placed a kiss on her neck before looking up to his friend „What's up?", he asked, while tracing circles on Snow's shoulder, feeling her relax in his grasp.„Joey got fired...",  Suzie blurted out, earning a nasty look fromJoey. Julie, in the meantime, went to the kitchenlike corner todistract herself from the disgust she felt towards Frank's plaything.The girl always seemed to literally sit on Frank's lap like a fucking dog, getting spoiled while she was ignored. Julie wanted Frank tolook at her the way he look at his little pet Snow.

„Let's trash this place then.", Frank's voice interrupted her from her trail of thought. Julie turned around to see Frank standing infront of Suzie and Joey, making wild gestures. „Are you sure about that?", Snow asked with worry inher voice „What if they catch us or somebody gets harmed?"„Snow's right!", Suzie jumped up and grabbed Snow's arm „Maybe we can find...", Frank's glare silenced her. „No need to worry.We'll get in, have a little fun and hop out without anyone noticing, well at least not directly.", Frank grinned „We can go tonight,I've been working the nightshift for months, I know when it's safe to enter. Plus I still got the keys.", Joey added. Snow still wasn't convinced. It wasn't the right to trash the store simply because Joey got fired but she knew that Frank already set his mind to it and it was impossible to convince him to let it drop. She averted her gaze from him and fumbled with the ends of her sweater. „She doesn't have to come along if she's too afraid.", Julie said snidely. Frank ignored her and turned towards Snow „It'll be fun babe. Do you trust me?", Snow gave him a look of discomfort but decided to push it aside and slowly nodded. „Perfect. We'll go out at 10.", headded, directed to the rest of the group. Suzie scurried away to the upper floor of the hut, followed by Joey while Julie turned around again to finish hersandwich. She was furious, she seemed to be unable to please Frank,no matter what she said or did, it was always the wrongthing.

Frank let himself fall back on thecouch and pulled Snow with him „Are you really sure about that? Isn't it a bit overkill to trash that shop because they fired him?",she played with the strings on Frank's hoodie, nervous what he'd think about her questioning his decision. She knew that he was somewhat a leader to their group of friends and no one else would dare to question him like she did. „Joey worked harder than anybodyelse in this shop. He has to support not only him but his mother and little sister financially, I guess it's just fair to pay them back." Snow nodded, feeling guilty that she didn't know much about Julie or Joey since Frank befriended them in his free time while Snow was in school and theymostly kept to themselves. Suzie was the only one that genuienly seemed to try and befriend Snow aswell. She was dragged into all of this by her best friend Julie, who now ignored her. Snow knew that she lived a fairly normal life: Her parents had stable jobs and shewas doing fairly well in school. Her biggest struggle was the fact that she was a lesbian in a town where it was like a deadly sin to most people to not be hetero. 

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