Chapter 1

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Hello everyone! This is the first chapter to my new story and I really hope you enjoy it. I've rewritten it a million times but I think I like it this way the best. It's very different from my other book but I hope you'll give it a chance as well!


Soph xx

            Sighing heavily, I picked up the massive garbage  bags and started hauling them outside . Stupid bags, stupid co-workers, stupid job, stupid life! I groaned in frustration as I basically flew through the back door whilst trying to open the heacy door with my backside because my hands were full with the bags. With the amount of money this restaurant brings in, you’d think they would be able to put a small light  in this stupid alley.  I saw the vague silouette of the large dumpster and trudged over to it. I swung the over-sized bag up so I could throw it in with one swift movement when something stopped interrupted and halted my forceful move.

                “Ow!!” I heard a masculine voice groan, making me jump away from the dumpster in shock. I saw the soft figure of, an aparent, teenage boy move away from beside the dumpster and take a step towards me. I began backing away, nearing the restaurant’s backdoor. My whole body was trembling with fear.

                “Oh my God, oh my God. Oh My God I’m going to die!” I began panicking.

                “I’m not going to hurt you, love. Please, please don’t scream!” he begged in a hushed tone. He sounded truthful but that’s exactly what criminals want you to believe! They want you to trust them… but I lost my trust in people years ago.

                “S-Stay away from me! I’m sorry! I didn’t  mean to hit you with the garbage bag! It was an accident, I swear. Please don’t hurt me!” I begged as my back hit the wall. I touched around the wall, finally finding the doorknob but as I tried to twist it, it wouldn’t budge. Of course I would forget it locks automatically from the inside. Well… this is it… I’m dead, I’m a total goner…

                “I won’t hurt you babe. M-My name is Zayn Malik.” He spoke softly, his accent completely different from the normal London accent. “I’m just here hiding away from my fans… they chased me and I’m just waiting for my bodyguard to come and fetch me.” I couldn’t help but burst out laughing. This kid must have gone mad from inhaling the dreaded garbage smell for too long. He actually thought he was famous??

                “Fans…?” I giggled. “What are you? Famous or something?” No one famous would ever be walking these streets at three in the morning.

                “Y-You don’t know who I am? I’m Zayn Malik… Everyone knows me.” He spoke dumbfoundedly.

                “Obviously not… are you sure you didn’t inhale too much toxic fumes from the dumpster?” I asked. Just as I finished speaking, a bright light and a loud tire screech invaded my senses.

                “Oh thank God…” I heard the kid… well Zayn… sigh of relief as I shielded my eyes from the bight light. I heard a car door open and slam close and then a loud pounding of feet against the cement. As soon as my eyes adjusted to the sudden brightness, I saw a tall, bulky man standing right in front of me with a menacing look on his face. He was shielding Zayn from me, I suppose.

                “Paul!” Zayn shouted in relief. “It’s fine, she’s cool. She’s not a crazed fan…” the large man, now known as Paul, moved away only to pull the boy into a bone crushing hug.

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