Sneaking out and guards

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A/N: YAS 2nd update today!  Is yall happy *clacks tounge* or nahhh? ITS STORY TIME CHILDS!!!!!!!!!♡


Louis's P.O.V


After taking my meds, Dr. Marina sent me to the psychologist hall to talk to Dr. Styles.I trudged down the hall and trailed my hand along the doors until I reached the door labeled: Dr. Harry Styles. I knocked 3 times but there was no answer. Well, I guess he's not here! Time to go back to my room! I way ready to walk away when I heard a familiar voice behind me call out, "Louis wait!" Crap. Its Dr. Styles. I broke into a mad sprint and giggled like a little school girl "RUN, RUN, RUN AS FAST AS YOU CAN! YOU CANT CATCH ME IM THE TOMMO MAN!!!!!!!" I yelled. Dr. Styles just laughed and chased after me. I ran through the hall to the other set of offices and stopped at the nearest door. The door was unlocked so I barged in and then hurried behind the desk. I recognized the face of Dr. Marina staring down at me, clearly confused. "Styles. Chasing. Must. Hide." I managed to pant. Marina laughed and nodded. She pointed to her office closet and I happily obliged; I stood inside the stuffy closet and held my breath. A few seconds later I heard Dr. Styles voice and Marina's; I could only pick up a few words along the lines of: "nope, haven't seen him!" And " I have no idea!" I heard heavy footsteps leading out of the room and a knock on the closet door.I stumbled out of the tight space and hugged her tightly. She stiffened a little at first, then she wrapped her arms around me. After a couple seconds, we pulled away and she looked at me with curiosity clear in her beautiful brown orbs. "So, tell me Louis, why were you running away from your psychologist?"

"I erm, just didn't want to go today. . ."

" Louis, Honey, you need to go to your sessions if you want to get better!"

"Maybe I don't wanna get better!" I replied in a sassy tone.

"You might know what you want, but your blind to what you need!" She exclaimed.

"You know what? We should discuss this over dinner! You, me, Nandos In my room?" I asked, Hope filling my eyes.

" Oh, Louis I-"

"Great! See you at eight!" I added in a rush. I was totally not ready for rejection.

A/N: HAYYYY HAY HAYYYYY! Short but it'll do for now! Tomorrow. I shall update tomorrow! I CHECKED MY READS AND I HAVE LIKE 200 READS HOLY CRAP!  I LOVE YALL SO MUCH ND FHC XHDBVFBDBNDNDNDNDND FHC!!!! BISHKEK! See, yall made me fangirl! You guys r special! Goodnight loves! ♡

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