Dates and Nandos pt.1

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Ok I dont even know what the last chapter had to do with the title but I was improvising and I'd like to make a formal apology to you all: I am really sorry I haven't updated for a long while. School started back up a couple months ago and at first I was like: this cant be too hard, all I gotta do is update. But that was not the case. Its hard be cuz school is just. IDEK! So thank you guys for putting up with my crap! I love yous! STORY TIME!


Maria's P.O.V
"Okay then. . ." I muttered as Louis dashed out of the room. Well apparently I have a date with a super hot mental patient who- wait. Hold the eff up. Did I just say he was hot??? "Yes, yes you did." A male voice said in my head. Ok I need a nap. Then I have to get ready for my, "date".

Louis P.O.V

I went back to my room and changed out of my hospital gown into more casual clothing: Black skinny jeans,  a Ramones t- shirt, a  black leather jacket and white converses. I made my way to the Front desk downstairs and rung the bell on the desk three times to be met with the eyes of a redhead receptionist. "May I help you?" She questioned.

"Uh, yeah, do you mind if I use your phone? "

"Hmm. . . Ok!"

I sighed with relief and took the Pink 5c from her palm and dialed the number. The phone rang a couple of times and then I heard the Irish accent I've never been more happy to here in my life. " Niall here, What's up?"

"Hey Niall its Louis, I uh need a favor."

"What is it Lou?" He replied happily. Hm, someone's chipper.

" Need you to pick up some Nandos for me. I have a date tonight and I want everything to go perfect! Because if it goes perfect, I can start the plan!" 

"Of course Louis! Anything for a friend of Liam's !"

"Thanks Niall your the bomb!"

"Bye Lou!" Then he hung up. I handed the phone back to the receptionist and nodded as a quick thank you before rushing downstairs.  It is now seven o'clock and I need to clean my room.

Marina's  P.O.V

I reached inside my office closet searching for my favorite dress. Hey, you never know when your gonna need a cute dress! I flipped through hangers like a madman until I found THE dress. Its a navy blue mini dress with with white polka dots that goes with a pair of white strappy wedges. I glance at myself in the full length mirror built into the closet and smile as my stomach fills with butterflies at the thought of going on a real date!  I know I sound like an old person when I say this but, I haven't been on a date in so long! A real one at least. I cant even count how many guys took me to a club and tried to pass it off as date! I check for any flaws one last time then  sit in my office chair to watch the clock strike eight.

Louis P.O.V

I cleaned my room as best as I could and made the stiff hospital cot look as comfortable as possible. With the final fluff of a pillow, I head back down the steps to collect the Nandos from Niall. We do our bro- hug, I grab the Nandos and we part ways. I look at the big clock and realize its seven fifty five and frantically rush upstairs to my room.  I get up to the hall were my room is and gasp. Standing in front of my door is the one and only, Marina Monroe. And she is absolutely GORGEOUS! I won't go into detail but Danm, I could tap that any day!  Pull yourself together tomlinson!! I think to myself. I shake my head and open the door for her, smirking while saying, "You just couldn't wait for me could you?"

A/N: Hey guys! Guess who finnaly got their sh!t together???? THIS GURL!!!! There will from now on be regular updates on weekends since I have nothing to do then which means longer chapters for you guys! Im really tired so im gonna sleep now! GOOD NIGHT AND HAPPY LATE THANKSGIVING!

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