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Cover taken from Pinterest.  All credits to the people behind the photography.

"Whatever you are thinking of cannot be good. I know you Thabi and I don't trust the decisions you've been making lately what with your divorce almost about to go through," Mo said as she sat on the bed beside her best friend Thabile.

It was early in the morning of Saturday and the two had binge watched Dynasty while drowning all their sorrows in wine, liquorice and almost all the snacks in the pantry as they usually did every Friday evening. This had become tradition since they became friends back in varsity and now here they were-single and 30 years old.

"I'm angry, Mo!" Thabi cried into her wine. "I gave him the best years of my life and now I have to start everything over! I'm freaking 30 years old and all the men want skinny twenty year olds! Look at me, all fat and not twenty anymore. My life is over."

"Don't say that, Thabi. You're 30 and single. You are a successful woman and you're even prettier than you were when you were with Omphile-that ass! Girl, we have perfect jobs, we have money and-"

"I just want a man! " Thabi wailed. "I want to go to bed and get cuddled and grow old with someone! I want to grow old with Omphile-my husband."

"My goodness, Thabi, get a hold of yourself. Omphile is about to become your ex husband and he's already gallivanting around with some tramp. We need to get out and take our lives into our hands. We are going divorce shopping once we have rested sweetie."

Thabi drunkenly hugged her friend. "No wonder I love you so much, " she whispered as she lay down and not a second too soon, she was snoring.

Mo laughed and began to clean up. She was very tired and the fatigue was beginning to take its toll but she forced herself to go to bed with a clean house. Her OCD just wouldn't let her leave her house a mess. She was quite glad that today was not a work day, otherwise she would be regretting tonight. When the house was spotless, she covered Thabi in a blanket then walked to her bedroom.
Life was good.
Thabi was shopping her heart out. Mo knew that shopping was the only thing that brought her out of her moodiness and since she had a couple of thousands of Maloti to spend, she decided to use that money on her best friend who had helped her get where she was today. Thabi was the one who had introduced her to Omphile's internarional associates who happened to just be looking for a new business to invest in and she had hit her gold mine then. Mo and Associates Trucking Co. was the best thing to happen in her life and she owed it all to her friend who always made sure that she never forgot. She chuckled to herself.

"Amohelang Leballo oe! " Thabi yelled close to Mo's ear, making her jump.

"Hey! " Mo cried, covering her now throbbing ear. "What the heck, Thabi? "

"You were ignoring me. Sorry hun. I was just saying how wonderful these boots look. " Thabi was spotting some neon orange knee-high boots and Mo cringed.

"Nope! It's not winter and those are just too loud. You look like a nightclub light."

Thabi looked at her with a raised eyebrow. "This is what's trending now-"

Mo shook her head. "Rosa! " she called and the boutique owner came into the changing room. "Do you remember those NgoanaMosotho heels I ordered a few weeks ago? Are they here yet?"

Rosa nodded and went out of the changing room before coming back a few minutes later with a beautifully wrapped box. "Here, sweetness," she said. Mo also considered her a friend.

"Thabi, I was gonna surprise you for your birthday but since you are in a mood because of that stupid Omphile, here's an after-tears. Rosa, please. "

Rosa opened the box and Thabi squealed and jumped up and down in excitement. "Oh my goodness, Mo. Are those the Shoeshoe shoes I told you I wanted? That you told me were out of stock? You bish! " Thabi hugged Mo so tightly she was squeezing the breath out of her.

"C-can't breathe! " she gasped as she tried to pry a giggling Thabi off of her. "Get off! "

"I love you so much! I'm gonna wear these to the signing of the divorce papers, " Thabi gushed. "Omphile can suck it. I get 50% of what we have so I'm good. Thank you, friend."

While Thabi walked around the boutique trying on different outfits, Mo went to pay for the shoes. As she was handing the cashier her credit card, the whiff of a very expensive and good smelling cologne hit her. She loved that cologne with all that she was and trying not to look like she was looking, she slowly turned her head-then her breath caught.
Tall, dark chocolate with a well-trimmed head and beard on his chiselled face with high cheekbones, the man looked like the depiction of Greek gods, only black. He was saying something to Rosa and did not notice Mo's eyes on him.

"Eye candy, huh? " Thabi whispered out of nowhere. "You haven't stopped gaping, Mogirl."

Mo came back to earth. "Who is he?" she whispered back.

"I don't know but I'm about to go introduce myself. " Before Mo could stop her, Thabi floated over to the man and Mo disappeared behind a stack of shoe boxes just in case Thabi embarrassed herself or her.

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