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"Tonight on LTv news, the National University of Lesotho students have gone on a three day strike which resulted in the destruction of school property and..."

"Do you remember it used to be us?" Reahile whispered as he kissed Mo on the forehead. Mo was laying on his lap.

It was Friday night and Thabile had refused to come over because she was still angry about the whole Reahile issue especially when she learnt that Mo was contemplating getting back together with him. After sending her a box of chocolates, they had made up but once Mo started pouring out her feelings about Rea and that she had forgiven him for all those things that happened in the past, Thabile drove off and Mo never heard from her again until today. But she knew that she was alright because Mme Kalimo whom she had not yet fired kept updating her on her best friend.

"I remember. But I didn't know you then. I think you were in fourth year when I was doing my first."

"I had actually graduated that year. But I kept visiting friends there. I saw you a couple of times but you were kinda ugly then."

"Rea!" Mo smacked his arm. "Take it back!"

"Fine!" Rea laughed as Mo continued smacking him. "OK. I take it back."

"So when did you develop feelings for me if I was so ugly?"

"Remember your 25th at Cuban? That's when I really noticed you. In that black mini and those neon green heels which showed off your long legs? At first I thought you were just another slay Queen but after we talked, I realized that you were something else. And a few dates later I knew that you were something else. You were special."

Mo grinned widely. "Really? I thought you were a fuckboy. I mean you were probably one of the cutest guys I've ever seen and cute guys aren't single single. They're like 'I'm waiting for my ex to come back type-a single."

"Ouch, Amo. But for real, I was a fuckboy but I decided to go on the straight and narrow when I realized you were a diamond in the rough. And the fact that you had your own business that was thriving was like icing on the cake. I could've just got a sugar momma."

"I wouldn't be surprised. You like money too much."

Rea tickled her. "I am not gonna stop tickling you until you say sorry for that statement."

Mo was having a fit of giggles and when Rea decided that she had had enough, he stopped and pulled her close. "I'm so sorry for hurting you," he whispered close to her mouth.

"I forgave you a long time ago, Rea." Mo closed her eyes as her lips connected with Rea's. All the happy memories they had made came back to her in a rush and this manifested in the fire and passion with which she kissed him. Rea seemed to return the vigour as well.

While Rea breathed heavily in his sleep holding Mo close, she lay awake staring at him in the semi darkness. He looked very handsome with his tiny eyes closed and his muscular arms were silhouetted as the moon rays came through the window. She ran her hand across his bare chest and smiled.
This was all hers like back then. She hoped Rea's business would thrive and she was going to invest in it to help him so that they could share their successes together.

"If you want a better man, you build him, " she whispered the words her mother often said.

Rea grunted in his sleep and opened one eye. He smiled. "When are you going to sleep?"

"I love you," Mo said as she snuggled closer to him and she felt all the emotions behind those words.

"Me too, babe. Now come here." Rea held her close and sleep came easily to her because she had never been in such a happy mood.

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