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One...two... three...
Mo breathed in deeply trying to control her temper.
One...two... three...
"I can handle this," she said to herself as she stood from her armchair and paced up and down in her lavishly furnished office. "They made a minor mistake, I can handle this. OK, this is a crisis! A disaster! "

"Miss Mo," an elderly lady who worked as the company secretary said as she slightly opened the door. "The CEO of BlackBrand Cosmetics is here. He wants you to explain what happened with the products that were supposed to have landed at the S.M.U workshop. And he's not pleased. At all."

Mo composed herself. "Please tell him I'll be with him in a minute."

"Don't look so worried. You can work through this, " the lady said with a reassuring smile as she closed the door behind her.

Straightening her suit, Mo held her head high and walked into the waiting room. There was no one there which surprised her.

"Mme Kalimo," she said to the elderly secretary. "Where is the C-"

Before she could finish her sentence, the man from the boutique walked in looking frustrated. The last time she had seen him which was yesterday, he didn't look this handsome. She had snuck out of the boutique when she realised that Thabi was trying to chat him up for dinner.

"This is unacceptable! " he said with a stiff jaw. "I entrusted my products to your company and imagine my surprise when S.M.U calls me because the order I promised them has not arrived. The models can't have their makeup done because...the show is on hold... this is not acceptable! Are you tired of my business because if you are, I can take it elsewhere! "

"I'm very sorry, sir. Can we please go and have this conversation in my office? " Clients were beginning to come in and she was trying to avoid the drama this man would cause.

The man stared her from the top of the head to the toes. "I want to see your manager! I need to talk to him about this tardiness of yours. He pays you too much yet you still fail to do as simple a task as shipping cosmetics to Bogota. "

Fed up with the man's attitude, Mo did a dramatic turn and a pirouette before flashing him a fake smile and saying, "This is the manager. How can I help you? "

Thabi had come in at that moment and she burst out laughing. The man turned to look at her in a flash of anger but his face immediately softened when he realised it was her.

"Thabile," he said softly. "What are you doing here?"

Mo looked from a blushing Thabile to the man then back to Thabile. What was going on here?

"Ah, Tebatso Makoa. Mr. Tycoon-Mr millionaire, " Thabile said playfully. "Do you have any business with this woman? " she pointed at a confused Mo.

"Yes. I have been doing business with this company for years now but they've never failed me like they did today. I had to personally come here and not send my P.A as usual because S.M.U was at my neck about the cosmetics."

"We hired a couple of new people last week, Mr. Makoa. They made a mistake which I will fix right away. See, the S.M.U show starts in 2 hours and I sent a few boxes of your products to a store in Bogota. Now, if only you hadn't started yelling at me, I could have placed a call since the store has confirmed that your products are still in storage. If you'll excuse me, I will go and do that now. We have this under control. " Mo left the shocked man behind.

As Mo made a call, the door opened and Thabi came in. She was giggling like a little school girl.

"Serves him right, " she giggled. "You put him in his place. "

"What an ass! " Mo said through her teeth as she put her phone down. "He's so full of himself. I can't believe you were into that."

"He was handsome! " Thabi defended herself. "But he's not so terrible. Did you know I went to high school with him? I didn't recognise him. He used to be so scrawny and unhygienic."

Mo chuckled. "Has he left yet? I have lunch plans. "

Thabi's jaw dropped. "With who? Last time I checked you were not seeing anyone since Rea broke your poor heart."

"Well... Reahile is back."

"Really? Since when?" Thabi gasped.

"He got back to Lesotho a few weeks back and we've been talking. He wants to meet me for lunch and I said yes."

"No, you didn't. Where has he been all this while? I mean he just upped and left you crying on my couch and leaving snot all over my velvet while he was sipping piña coladas on some beach with exotic women! He didn't even tell you that he was leaving and you found out on his instagram page and then he blocked you on all his social media! Why are you entertaining this BS?"

"Because he wants to explain what happened and honestly I'm curious."

"Rea has done nothing but hurt you in the three years you were together. He cheated on you and lied and stole from you-heck, he even went as far as defrauding you and you still want to 'hear his explanation'? He went on that exotic beach trip with your money! Or have you forgotten that?"

"That's old news. Look, it's not like anything will happen."

But something did happen.
As soon as Mo spotted Rea waiting outside the office for her in his G-Wagon, she felt herself go weak in the knees. It was like he put a spell on her with his handsome features and light brown eyes. He was tall and dark just like how Mo liked her men and he looked like he had just stepped out of a magazine with his trimmed look.

Rea gave her that one sided grin he knew she liked when he saw her coming out. Throwing his arms wide open, Mo melted into his warm embrace, burying her head into his cologne-smelling shirt. This brought back memories and she smiled as she looked at him.

"Amo," he whispered without letting go of her, his hands resting on her waist. "I missed you. I was at shoprite the other day and at the till, I saw you on the cover of Successful Under 30. You looked as beautiful as the last time I saw you."

Thabi chose that moment to come over and she stared Rea in the eye. "Reahile Monoto, " she said with contempt, tugging at Mo's shirt.

Rea only grinned. "Thabi. Hi. You still don't like me I see."

"After you just left my best friend and took her hard earned money, you scumbag! Did you expect me to welcome you with a bag of money? Oh, wait! You would like that, wouldn't you?"

"I am here to apologise to Mo and I have changed-"

"Save it for someone who gives a damn! And don't try to sell yourself to me, you lowlife. Did the money you stole from Mo become finished when you are here about to ass lick or use your manipulative wa-"

"Enough, Thabile, " Mo interjected. She could see that her friend was angry by the way she was balling up her left hand and Mo knew that she could throw a mean hook if she wanted to-she had learned that first hand when she had called her husband a man-whore.

"I'll see you later for supper at my house, OK? I'm gonna leave with Rea now, " Mo said to Thabile who flipped her the bird and left.

Rea exhaled as if he had been holding in his breath the whole time. "Well... She hasn't changed a bit but we are still going out, right?"

Mo nodded and looked back as Thabi drove away. She hated it when they fought but Rea still had his hold on her even after he had been gone for almost 4 years. That much she admitted.

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