Chapter 8

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"Come in," Ash ushers me into a colossal mess he believes is a bedroom. My eyes wonder around the room in amazement, attempting figure out how anyone could make this much of a mess in five hours.

"Where's Cal?" I want to make I have enough time to talk to Ashton.

"He went swimming."

I give a slow nod before taking a seat on his unmade bed. I decide to begin the conversation, "I'm afraid Calum doesn't feel the same anymore. He's been really distant ever since I told him..."

"Told him what?" Ashton encourages me to go. But I don't know if I can say that I told Calum I loved him to Ash. I simply cannot do it.

"Never mind that. Anyways, I just need some advice. Ya know... About Calum and me."

Ashton fusses with the stubble that has started to sprout on his jawline. "Calum never knows what he wants. He is indecisive and changes his mind rapidly. What I would do is just move on. Leave him alone and find someone else." His advice only pains me. I thought I loved Calum but I must've been a fool. Tears leave my eyes as I leave the hotel room without another word.

I open my own hotel room door, only to find Luke and Mikey on my bed. In their swim trunks.

"Why are you two getting your wet butts on my clean bed?" I raise my voice. They both shrug but make no effort to move.

"Gee, thanks for mov-" I'm cut off by a nearly naked Calum, clothed with only a white towel across his lower half. His dripping wet hair glued to his forehead.

"Sorry, I heard a girl's voice in mine and Ashton's room, so I kinda took a shower in here," Cal rubs the back of his neck nervously. Miley and Luke burst out in laughter at his awkwardness.

"How about we go to the store 'cause I think I'm coming down with a cold?" I try to change the subject to avoid Calum getting angry.

There was a chorus of 'yeah's and we were on our way


(At the store)

I sift through the cold and flu medicines while the rest of the boys and Ava play in the toy section of the local Walmart.

Suddenly, I feel a tap on my shoulder. "I beg your pardon, but are you by any chance Megan Marks," an irresistibly attractive boy, about my age asks with a perfectly white smile shining through.

"Yeah. How do you know who I am?" I raise a finely plucked brow.

The hot boy chuckles. "I just realized how creepy and stalkerish that sounded. My little sister went to see 5 Seconds of Summer and you. She is a huge fan."

"Tell her I said thanks." I stuff my hands in my hoodie pocket and find a sharpie. "Here you can sign my cast."

He takes ahold of the sharpie and my casted wrist. When the dashing boy walks away I read his name.

Andrew Riggs 314-083-4191

I dash to find Ava. When I finally reach her, I'm breathless. I'm so out of shape!

"What happened, girl?" Aves shouts. I'm not deaf, just out of breath! I thrust my cast in her hands for her to view the boys name and number.

She gasps. "What does he look like?"

"A few inches taller than me, brown hair that was slicked back like Liam Payne's, ice blue eyes that make my blood run cold, and he was wearing a nerd shirt! This boy was perfect."

I glance around. Everyone has large grins plastered to their faces. Except Calum. His eyes were clouded with jealousy and it looks like happiness has ever touched that lovely face of his.

Why is he so upset? It's not like he cares anyway.


You guys should donate money to the "Lydia wants to go to the 1D concert" foundation. My parents said I might not be able to go 😭 Shoutout to @NotCreative9224 ! I love this girl!!! Read her works too!! Also please check out my band IG: fading_neon!! love you all so freakin much (morph of Lashton at the top)

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