Chapter 12-Really still not talking

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Alex's POV 

It's been a week.A WEEK! Since Max has spoke to me he's still not now.Ergh I only talk to Rydel,Ross, Ryland and Ratliff I get text messages from Riker and Rocky but I ignore them I cancelled the record deal I couldn't and didn't want to see them.Mum and Dad have tried getting Max to move with his dad but he doesn't want to.They buy him toys,sweets and all sorts of things but he keeps saying he wants his Mum but she doesn't want him,which I think is very rude!

I turned on the t.v and clicked to a news channel I lay down on the couch and listen to them go on and on how about 'Alex Bridge is making a huge mistake breaking up with Riker he is heart broken'Give me a break!Wouldn't you do the same thing as me I mean he cheated on me and got in a fight with his brother just to make Max hate my guts?!Yeah I still stand by what I did.I turned on my laptop to see hate spreed all over Twitter.

:Ergh I'm a huge fan of R5!Alex you are not good enough for Riker!FATTY!

:Ok,I stand by her but Come on Alex just forgive him!

:Ok guys stop with the hate!He cheated on her!I know what that feels like so...just..back of!

I was at this point crying everyone is acting like I'm the bad guy but there fans "ALEX,ASH TEA IS READY" I looked at my phone it read:

Hi Alex,Look i'm having a party on satrday for New Years eve are you coming?You don't have to Stormie xxx

"ALEX NOW!" I ran downstairs and sat down next to my dad and Ash they started talking as I zoned out. Why wasn't Max speaking to me? Why does Rocky want to be my Boyfriend?Should I move? So many questions were floating around my head. I turned to Max.

"Max,listen I know you hate my guts but why?"

No answer 

"Alex just leave it out please"Ash said

Still nothing from Max



"FINE! I'M MOVING TO ENGLAND ANYWAY" I shouted and ran out I went to the only person who would understand.

"Hey can we talk?"



A/N:Who do you think it is? So I have my new One Direction story up :D Read it please? And tell me what you's think? Thankyou

~Megan xxx

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