Invite ✉️

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Thought I'd continue this story. Enjoy.

I sniffled and examined the IT Chapter 2 premier invites.
I didn't know if I wanted to go, I hadn't seen Finn or Wyatt, generally anyone from that group for several months. I quit Stranger things and working with the duffer brothers.

I kept my distance.
Exhaling a breath of worry, I faced my manager.

"It's your decision Y/N, once you tell me it's a 'go' I'll call up the make up team and your stylist." My agent Steven explained.

Did I even want to attend? If I did, I'd see all my old friends... Was I even ready to see them? If I attended, it might bring up some painful memories.

Being completely honest, I missed Finn so much.

"Steven, I'm going." I muffled under my breath.

Finn POV

I was fiddling with my fingers while doing red carpet interviews, tonight was the premier for IT Chapter 2 and I was grateful for my cast and the movie being finally done.

My anxiety was kicking in, my fiddling had become constant and my breathing was quite heavy.
I began another interview, I realised that I was having a difficult time answering some questions.

"Uh, sorry, what was the question again?" I whispered with a shaky voice,

The interviewer stared at me with confusion.

"Okay, I'll ask you again Finn, what was it like playing Richie again?" She asked with a smile, I faced the camera and couldn't spit anything out.
I bit my lip and exhaled only a breath, not a word.

"I-I" I stuttered, my lips quivered.

"I'm sorry, I'm not feeling too well." I responded.

Suddenly Jaeden walked on over and saved me. The interviewer then asked questions directed to me and Jaeden.
After the last interview, Jaeden asked if I was okay, I nodded and just took my time trying to calm down.

"The premier is about to start soon." Jaeden mentioned, I blinked and then blinked again...

"Jaeden, I think Y/N is here." I mumbled trying to see if it was her from a far, Jae just smiled at me.

"She got the invite." Jaeden whispered to himself smiling. I raised my brows and looked again, properly.

It was her.

I felt myself become all tense. "She's here, I can't believe she's really here. Wait, did you invite her?" I asked Jaeden.

Wyatt then walked over with Jack.
"Look who's here!" Jack spoke smiling referring to Y/N, Jaeden clapped,
"Yes I invited her. Hope it doesn't bother you or you." Jaeden replied as he stared at me and then at Wyatt.

How was I gonna concentrate on the movie knowing she's here. I missed her. I watched as she smiled while walking on the red carpet, the pap going crazy.

-Here's the first chapter 😴

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