Chapter 5 -New beginnings, and butts?

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Many days had passed since King Jeffrey had come into power and the stinky kingdom was the happiest it had ever been. The land was prosperous and all the stink bugs were cheerful. 

But despite the joy the other bugs had plastered on their face, the king couldn't feel the same. It was impossible for Jeffrey to think and sleep at the same time. Especially when that thinking involved plans to destroy the human race.

King Jeffrey yawned. Trying to take over the world took a lot of effort and having a small, needy child made it even harder. Prince Bob was quite smart for his age, but like any other child his age, he was also incredibly annoying.

"Dad, Dad, Dad! I want lollies!" cried Prince Bob as he bounced into his fathers throne room. "Not now Bobby, I'm very busy at the moment. Kings do very important things" replied King Jeffrey in the most royal, condescending tone he could muster.

Prince Bob was not impressed by this answer, so it should be no surprise that the neglected stink bug crinkled up his face in disgust as he said, "how is sitting on your big butt all day and ignoring me important? I need lollies! lollies are more important than butts."

King Jeffrey was already sleep deprived and didn't really want to be having this kind of conversation with his son, so he simply said "ah, one day may child, you will realise the true power of the booty. but until that day, you must learn some patience and leave me in peace while I work.

Prince Bob still wasn't happy with his fathers excuses, but he knew that arguing wouldn't be able to get through his Dad's thick head. With that, little Bobby let out a frustrated sigh and stomped out of the stinky throne room to find his own lollies.

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