I slammed him up against a bookcase, kissing him. He paused, looking at me in the eyes. He giggled. I found myself being pressed on my back onto a table behind us. "It's cute how you think you can be the dominant one." He licked my neck, biting some places. "Kya—!"
My dream was cut short by Sero shaking me awake. "Are you alright? You looked like you were in pain." I sat up. "Yep. I'm fine," I sighed. "Just a dream." The realization hit him. "Sooo...who was it about?" "Uh...no one..." He looked disappointed. "It's clear that you're lying. Who was it about?" "Someone with black hair." "Really? That's all? So many people have black hair." Yeah, but you're the only one with black hair that's my best friend. "Well, I tried making toast. It caught on fire." I looked at him in confusion. "How do you set toast on fire?" "I don't know." "Anyways, we're gonna go some place. You're coming with us."
I stumbled through the door. "How much did you drink?" Sero looked at me, concerned. I hiccuped. "I dunnoooo..." "Just go to sleep or something." I fell onto my bed, Sero sitting in a chair next to me. I rolled onto my back, sighing. I sat up. "What are you doing?" He frowned. I walked towards him. He looked at me questioningly. I sat on his lap. (Y O—) He tensed up. I wrapped my arms around his neck, laying my head on his chest. "Why'd you move?" "You're warm..." I yawned. He moved me up slightly. I drifted off into sleep.
Noises filled the room, followed by silent moans. Moonlight poured into the room, lighting it. The sheets were torn off the bed along with the blankets. Scratching at the mattress. Yelling.
I opened my eyes. Sero was looking at me, a light shade of pink dusted across his face. "Alright. Give me a hint on who their name is." "First or last?" "Both." "T, H, N, R, E, O." "Alright."
Sero POV
"Who could it be...?" I thought. "Hold up. I'm gonna let you figure it out. R, E, and O are part of the last name in order of E, R, O, and T, H, N and in the order of H, N, T. Ring any bells? Hint, there's an S in the last name before E. There's also two A's in the first name." Kirishima looked at me, a smirk on his face. I shrugged. "Oh my lord." Kirishima took a piece of paper and highlighted some letters.
Hanta Sero
He handed me the paper. It had finally hit me. He stood up and went to get a glass of water. "Hey, why don't we play a game of truth or dare to get this off our minds?" He spoke up. "Hm. Sure."
We all sat in a circle. Nobody could think of any good dares. "Let's play 7 minutes in heaven."
Kirishima spun the bottle, it landing on Bakugou. Seven minutes later, they walked out, seemingly just talking like usual. Kaminari spun the bottle, and by just my luck, (and plot convenience) it landed on me. We both walked over to the closet. I shut the door. "So..." He looked around. "Why is this closet so big?" I said, my mind wandering. He shrugged.
It was really late, so we decided we should all get some sleep.

Wet Dreams
FanfictionSmut...again. Kamisero...again. Sorry. Kaminari has been having strange dreams about his best friend of late. He knows it's wrong, but the dreams keep coming back. Will he be able to make the dreams a reality?