Meeting the Band

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"And in 3-2-1, I'm Bryan Stars and were here with LoveKills, a new band. Now Johnnie originally suggested this, but I have to say, I listened to some of your guys songs and I'm digging it. You're pretty good" Bryan says, staring into the camera. "AW Johnnie ! You're a fan? You adorable little sex-muffin! Gimme a hug!" I croon, getting up and walking over to him. He blushes and puts the camera down, hugging me. "So you're an original Lover huh? Or Killer? I dunno, what's our fanbase called?" I yell at Travis, our bass player. "Killer was too violent, so the Lovers" he yells back at me. "An original Lover, eh?" I nudge Johnnie playfully. "Yeah" he replies back. "Awesome well I guess I should probably go back to the interview then whoops" I plop back down on the couch, giving Bryan a side hug, saying "didn't wanna leave you out"

----the interview goes on for a while. Fans find out that Xiomara (18), or just Xie, came up with the name, that she writes the songs, and that she met the other members, Travis (19, bass), Gus (20,guitar), and Gus' younger brother Doug (17,drums) in an alley. Travis and Xie got into a fight because he catcalled her. They ended up forming the band and getting an apartment together----

Looking out the window, I see some fans standing outside with signs, chanting. Beyond happy, i say, "This is amazing, I can't believe so many people know us! They probably saw you come in Bryan!"

Struck with intense gratification, I walk out of the apartment, running down the steps and bursting outside. I can hear the others behind me.

"OH MY JINXX GUYS SHE CAME OUT XIOMARA CAME OUT!" A girl screams, shaking. I walk over to the group, maybe about 15 people, laughing and saying "oh honey I came out 2 years ago! Pansexual and proud!"

"Oh my god I love you so much you help me so much your songs are so inspiring and helpful! I did what you said and stopped cutting! Now I write songs too, not good like yours but still! When I grow up I hope I can be just like you! Beautiful, kind, an inspiration to kids like me!" A girl, around 14, said to me, crying. "Oh honey you're already all of those! Let me see some of your songs sometime, yeah?" I say, hugging her. She cries in my arms and I pat her head. "Thank you! Thank you so much! I'm so proud of you for quitting cutting! If Travis had never accidentally found you cutting, I don't know what Id do! I'm so glad for you!" She grins at me, as if her whole world is brighter because of me. "I'm proud of you too! I hope you do what I did! Quit, yeah?" I say. She nods.

It goes on like that. All of us meet the kids, take pictures with them, sign their posters, take their gifts, hug them. It gives me such intense joy, like I have a purpose in this world. "Now see this, this is why we do it! This is why I held on for so long! You all have to hold on too now, ya hear?" I tell them. They all nod and agree, tears of joy streaming down their faces.

For a moment I try to imagine how I must look in their eyes. They're looking at me the same way I look at Black Veil Brides, Pierce The Veil and Falling In Reverse. They look at me like I'm some divine being, a goddess. My name does sorta sound like that I guess. To them I'm a black and red haired, 'emo/scene/goth' goddess who wears black and skinny jeans and band tees, who likes chains and spikes, who dances like a lunatic. A total spaz is what I am, but for some reason they still like me. Love me, even. It's so humbling and amazing.

"Vote for us for Warped tour please! If we make it I hope to see all of you there!" I tell them finally, waving to them as they regretfully walk away.

Johnnie and Bryan say goodbye and leave, and I smile at Travis. "Ready?" I say. "Ready" he says. We link arms and walk down the street.

I'm close with all the guys, but the bond I have with Travis is different. It's like we were meant to be best friends. Now it's time for us to do our tradition. Every night we do it. Tonight we have a little gig, and it's our good luck charm.

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