Chapter 9: Experiment

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I was fighting the man with all my might. I struck him some times but it felt like he knew my attacks "Trying to be unpredictable Alex. Don't, I know everything about you." He said pinning me to a wall. I tried to attack him with my free arm but it was worthless. "How do you know me" I said but he just laughed it off and said "You don't need to know." he then pulled out a syringe and attempted to stab me with it. I tried to keep it away but he pricked me with it but only a few drops got in before I gained extra strength and pushed him over. as I removed the syringe he said "No, how were you able to do that." I could not stand any longer and I collapsed. He picked me up again ready to put the syringe back into me.

 Himeko came and shot him dead. "Alex are you okay." she said with a worried expression. He sat up and said "Yep but he tried injecting me with something could you pick up that vial." She picked it up "What is it?" she said with a confused look. Alex had replied with "I'm unsure but it's likely whatever it is can reverse what ever happened to Mei and Seele." Alex stood up and walked to the ship.

Alex and Himeko got on the ship. Alex kept thinking about how he knew his name "How did that man Know my name" Kiana looked worried "Are you okay Alex." He looked at her  "Yeah, Just wondering how that man Knew my name. I'll try not to think about it right now" He went into the cockpit. Kiana was holding onto Mei "I hope you wake up soon." In the cockpit Alex took his seat in the co-pilot's seat. "Your pretty good at flying the ship, Himeko." Alex said. She smiled and said "Thanks must be natural."

 I looked at her. "So much beauty" I said to myself "What does she see in me" she laughed and said "I see you looking at me" I looked embarrassed and said "Hehe, Just admiring your beauty" this made her laugh then blush "to be honest I kind of see you as boyfriend material" I blushed "re-really?" she smiled and replied with "of course I do, I have always seen you as someone that would stay with me to the very end." I breathed in "I think of you as the same and to be honest I have never met someone like you before" 

I can't remember who she is, why? I want to remember who she is. But how do I wake up. I want to show her I care. Before What did she say about a Fiancée are we about to get married or something. I need to stop thinking about it now. My head is hurting.

Kiana was holding onto Mei as they landed at saint freya. "I'll take her to the infirmary" said Kiana as she ran off. Theresa said to bronya "It's best if you stay here for a bit to lay low" Bronya nodded and said to seele "Let's get you to the infirmary." Alex went up to theresa "Do you have a science lab or a microscope" She said "yes" I'll take you to it. In the lab Alex got to work immediately "So this vial what is in it" Alex put some on a slide and viewed it under the microscope there wasn't much until he saw something interesting "What the actual F***?" he said before rushing to Himeko

Himeko was waiting in the dorm when Alex arrived. "Hey Himeko could I get your help?" she looked at him and said "What do you need." He sighed "I need you to supervise me while I inject myself with a few drops of the vial." Himeko looked confused and asked "Why, what will happen?" he sighed and said "I'm unsure but I could make something to help Mei and seele Recover if I know what this is."

I hooked Alex up to the IV. For a few seconds after I put it in he started having headaches but told me to keep it in. A minute went by and I had to take it out his headaches became worse. after taking them out I held onto him. "I won't let you take this pain anymore. I promise"

The headaches got wild but I did learn how to make the reverse syrem. The things I saw were not made up they were memories. How did I not remember them. I will make this for Mei and then I will find my Mom to get answers.

Alex got up I was happy but he seemed a little... off. He had a neutral expression on his face and didn't speak. He just got up and created something. "Alex sweetie are you ok?" no response from him. "What are you doing." He did not respond and Kept creating a syrem. A minute later he finished the syrem and injected himself with it. "Oh thank god!" he said with a relieved tone "What happened" He looked at me and said "I now know how to save Mei."

I was waiting with Mei when Alex came in. "Kiana do I have your permission to inject Mei  with this possible cure." I thought about it for a moment and said "If it will save Mei, then do it." He slowly injected her with small but potent doses "Come on Mei you can pull through. I believe in you."

I could see that girl again she was proposing to me "Mei will you do the honor and marry me" I then remembered everything and woke up "Kiana!!" I said when I woke up from my coma. "Mei you're alright." she then hugged Me "Kiana thank you for saving me." She smiled and said "Wasn't just me."

A few hours went by and I had packed a small duffel bag "Alex where are you going?" I looked at her "I am going to find my Mom and now, I know where she is." Himeko looked at me and said "if you are going I coming with you" I could not argue so I said "yes. But be ready in 2 hours." She got excited which made me happy. after we finished getting ready we went outside and I hopped in the jeep "Hop in." I said to Himeko as she got in the passenger seat after putting her bag in the back platform. We kissed and headed off to find my mom.

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