..., "who are you?"

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The land of the waves.
Infested with gangs and mafias.
No ninjas is sight.

But what if I told you, none of this is true?
And that it used to be called the Land of Tsunamis?
Which had a clan of water styled ninjas-

You would believe me, would you?
The Tohoku Clan, the clan who controlled waters with ease.
The Tohoku Clan, the clan who lived in secret.
The Tohoku Clan, the clan that got wiped out.

By each other.

Massive war, blood shed and tears became weapons.
2 sides of a coin can never face each other directly.
Waters crashed and struck the land as if it were lightning.

Screams of pain as ninjas exploded each others hearts.
Humans are 70% water after all.
Veins popped as children watched the blood run down.

Giant tsunamis created by the 2 sides came crashing down.
Each and every home and person.
Every memory; crashed down with it.

War went on for days on days until the whole island sank to the bottom of the ocean.
Their neighboring land, got the curse of the aggressive waves.
Crashing and crashing onto eachother as if they're still fighting.

Some say they've become water.
Some say they haunt the land of the waves.
While some believe they are all dead, there is still 1 left roaming the world.

1 left, followed by each of every ancestor.
1 left, to change the history of her clan.
1 left, to fix the mistakes.
1 left, only one.

Can you do it?
We're counting on you.
We're stuck down here, release us.
Still fighting, can't move on.
It hurts.
Reveal the truth of the clan.

Then maybe, we can go in peace.

I'm counting on you, dearest daughter.
Hey, author here! I'm here to just say that I'm sorry if I havent been active on wattpad... I've been in writers block, but ive finally gotten the backstory checked! Hope you enjoyed, I'll try and upload more often! Have a wonderful day, loves <3

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